Saturday, June 30, 2012

Porn and the Internet... It's a cliche, but is there a reason for it?

John Lilly, The Scientist (Berkeley, Ronin Publishing, 1988 [revised edition]), 90. Monkeys allowed to stimulate themselves continually via ESB brought themselves to orgasm once every three minutes, sixteen hours a day. Scientific gatherings throughout the World saw motion pictures of these experiments -- which surely made spectacular cinema.

-Martin Cannon

Non-invasive mind control is the absolute pinnacle of population management. The best enemy defeats himself, the greatest victory is that won without going to war, and on and on.

Reading Cannon, along with many another epiphany, this footnoted remark, whilst being laugh out loud funny, is also extremely illuminating.

The internet is a massive purveyor of pornography, or more broadly and less pejoratively, sexually stimulating material, to the entirety of the human race. The members of the species not yet hooked into the internet will surely be enfolded soon enough.

Given the illusion of freedom of choice that any feedback system represents, are we any different from the monkeys?
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