Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Liberal Update

My Liberal Update

Labor's Dirty Tricks - Gillard must reveal the truth

At a time when Australians are concerned about cost of living pressures on their daily lives the Gillard Government has again demonstrated that it is not only incompetent and untrustworthy, but directionless and divided. Without a clear plan and direction for Australia, Labor has instead reverted to a grubby dirty tricks campaign against Tony Abbott.

The past week saw:

  • Julia Gillard shred her written agreement with Andrew Wilkie
  • Anthony Albanese become an international joke by plagiarising a US romantic drama to attack Tony Abbott
  • Julia Gillard again promote her support for disgraced MP Craig Thomson
  • One of Julia Gillard’s trusted media advisers resign in disgrace for his role in the dirty tricks campaign against Tony Abbott that sparked the Australia Day riot

The inconsistencies coming from Labor on the Australia Day riot grow daily. Julia Gillard and the key players in this Labor-made fiasco are unable to clearly state what happened.

Australians deserve to know the facts behind how a grubby attack on Tony Abbott emanating from the Prime Minister’s office, and based on entirely false information, turned into the Australia Day riot.

Only a full investigation by the Federal Police will reveal the truth of the exact role the Prime Minister’s office played in the Australia Day riot.

Julia Gillard must now do the honourable thing and call in the Federal Police.

The Gillard Government is obsessed with destroying Tony Abbott with smears and dirty tricks.

Only the Coalition will provide Australia with a government that can concentrate on the concerns that ordinary Australians have with rising cost of living pressures, job security and border security.


Brian Loughnane
Federal Director

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