Thursday, October 18, 2012

UNsecurity, insecurity... Yay! We're less important than Rwanda!

BBC headline: Rwanda gets UN Security seat.

Meanwhile in Australian lapdog media land the government has had a "big win" by spending billions in bribes to get a UN Security seat.

As usual, Africans show the world how to scam and cadge. Rwanda certainly didn't outspend Australia to get its own worthless seat.

And neither did Pakistan which also has a seat.

Gillard and the marxist regime here certainly are consorting with the dregs of the human race.


How Australia ACTUALLY influences the whole world is with direct diplomacy, leading by example, and supporting other members of our natural and appropriate bloc, the anglosphere, in war, peace and cultural links.

Not joining another dodgy clique of jabbering monsters caked on to the five permanent Security members like dog shit on a shoe.

It's absurd to see France on the Security council and although it was funny in the 1940s to see the world champion surrender monkeys get treated like a winner the joke has long since run its course. Like including South Africa in with Brazil, India and China as an emerging economy, including France in anything other than cowardice jokes is past its use by date.

As for Australia's marxists pouring billions of debt money into this ill advised jobs for the boys effort, it's beyond embarassing.
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