Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Killtown: Yale student's '98 murder linked to 9/11?

Killtown: Yale student's '98 murder linked to 9/11?

What had Suzanne written on her thesis? She handed her new thesis draft about Osama bin Laden to her Navy Intelligence thesis advisor with very high top security Pentagon clearance and an expert on drug trafficking and Bin Laden and less than seven hours later, she winds up being stabbed 17 times by someone the police said she knew and drove her to the scene four days before her thesis was due and after she had been complaining about Van de Velde’s lack of support with her thesis, yet he had written her a glowing recommendation for graduate school in late October.

Van de Velde had given the police a copy of her thesis draft on Dec. 7, three days after her murder, when they first questioned him. Then, although unclear, Van de Velde provided the News with Suzanne's "unfinished paragraphs" which apparently doesn't seem provide any smoking guns pointing to a 9/11 government conspiracy in what the News printed:
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