Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why I really like Lawrence Miles' blog

Lawrence Miles' Doctor Who blog is the Ginsberg Howl of the Who fan collective. Raw, expletive in ideation if not dialogue (although that too), it is actually sometimes extremely prescient in its criticism, thoughtful in its analysis and chuckle-out-loud funny.

His critique of the Steven Moffat era, whilst based on things as varied as personal animus, jealousy and perceptive analysis, has at its core a real concern that as he puts it the fetishisation of the Doctor character has turned him from something distinctive, not particularly heroic, and British, into something empty, trite, superheroic and American. He is absolutely right on that score of course, and it's far from accidental since American fans mean obsessive compulsive spending that the BBC would love, even if it's never quite got over its snobbish disdain for Doctor Who itself.

I'll review his opus Interference at some point. It is everything I hate about Who fandom, fan writers, and current Who too. But I'm in a good if splenetic mood today (sort of like Captain Haddock with his monocle) so I'm leaving it there for now. The mood, not the monocle.
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