Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Poirot approach to a crime

So government commits crimes, up to and including mass murder.

It is pointless to argue that the government doesn't and hasn't- it does and it has.

Tiens! The murder happens. But why? A murder is for passion, for gain or to satisfy a psychopathic urge. Or a combination. There is certainly a psychopathology at work with 9/11 and the JFK hit. But there is a more important motivator and that is, WHO GAINS by the crimes?

It is inescapable that those who directly gained, are directly involved.

Answer that and you answer everything.

"Obama" was "elected" by the media mind control machine. Why? Who gained? Black Americans certainly didn't, and he isn't a Black American anyway- he is genetically arab far more than he is black, practising muslim scholar as opposed to the overwhelmingly Christian or Lemba-esque Black Americans. So who DID benefit by the elevation of the black caesar?
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