Thursday, March 29, 2012



For newcomers to the ‘SERPO’ soap-opera, the first thing they should know about this hoax is that the very name – ‘SERPO’ – is an acronym for Operation RESearch.  OP-RES.  OPRES.  Reversed; SERPO.  An operation centered around a fictional story the purpose of which was to determine who in UFOology (you-fool-ogy) would be gullible enough to accept the fiction as fact, and float it as such.  For as long as there have been flying saucer stories, there has been disinformation programs by the Coverup artists to explain them away, and the recent regurgitation of the SERPO hoax is particularly pertinent in this regard because of the actual facts surrounding it.

Some years ago, an ‘Operation Patchwork’ was decided upon at the highest levels, and approved of by Majestic 12 (MJ-12).  First, though, a little background before we enter the twilight zone of duplicity at the highest levels. 

Just as the true state of affairs between the human authorities and their extraterrestrial treaty partners has been a closely-held secret at the very pinnacle of power, hidden behind the question-us-not wall known as “National Security”, the Coverup has had to constantly deal with threats of exposure.  To deal with this threat, from the very beginning they infiltrated and cultivated certain civilian groups ostensibly concerned with transparency in matters involving the UFO and alien subjects.  For example, well-read readers of this subject matter will recall how Adm. Hillenkoetter (allegedly the first MJ-1 and first DCI – Director, Central Intelligence) joined NICAP (National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena) in 1957 after his public retirement.  This top-echelon Coverup artist was so good at acting the double-agent that he became less known for his actions hiding the alien presence than he did for his quote "Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense."  A modern-day equivalent would be a GOP political figure who built his reputation on moral rectitude, say Newt Gingrich, who while excoriating Pres. Clinton for his “immoral behavior” with his intern and demanding he resign his office, was at the same time having an adulterous affair with a member of his own staff.
The infamous “MJ-12 documents” are another case in point.  If you are in danger of facing exposure and need to maintain the self-governing mechanism of ridicule, what to do?  Some of the most cunning minds in the intelligence community arrived at a most convincing and fail-safe approach; use the real name of the group – MJ-12 – and manufacture a number of bogus documents that dealt with the subject matter, or enough of it to appear convincing, and launch them into the public sphere via ‘experts’ in UFO-ology.  Include among your list of recipients one man who had validated at least one legitimate MJ-12 document previously that had seen the light of day (that man being Stanton Friedman).  Stan and the rest of the “Class of ‘85”, as I call them, came no closer to furthering Disclosure than anyone before or since, although most of them have written or co-written a number of fine books while furthering their own interests by becoming mainstays of the ‘ufer’ speaking circuit.  You can rest assured the real MJ-12 has been quite happy with this state of affairs, with the most recent named MJ-1 allegedly raising a toast to them as “our [MJ-12’s] best asset in helping to keep the public from being disturbed by some uncomfortable truths” (slightly paraphrased; I wasn’t at the meeting).

Another example would be the 1996-1997 television series “Dark Skies”, a fictional depiction of MJ-12 and featuring actors actually playing the roles of Adm. Hillenkoetter, Harry Truman, The Beatles, Robert Kennedy, and other famous figures in the 1960s.  The “greys” are depicted as clones and enslaved to an evil alien race (the Hive, which might represent the J-Rod society from Zeta Reticuli) bent on the take-over of Earth.  As with most fictional depictions, aliens are either good and benevolent (Spielberg’s E.T., for instance) or more likely, evil and something to be feared (Independence Day as well as this particular series).

A more contemporary analogy would be the ongoing ABC mini-series “Impact”, in which a fictional Earth-destroying Catastrophe has many of the actual elements in what this civilization is facing in its near-term, but jumbled enough and presented of course as “fiction”, the better to muddle the message for the average viewer who is intended to view it with the idea that “it’s only TV”.  Super special-effects for the “oooh!!!!s and aaah!!!!s” (people, buildings, trains, cars, ships, up and floating skyward), measured for just-so-many heart palpitations, followed by huge chunks of string music and glycerine tears as loved ones argue, separate, and re-unite, and naturally the obligatory happy ending.  What is most interesting is the jumble of elements here:  a “brown dwarf” is the catalyst (check) for the Catastrophe.  It impacts the Moon, causing the moon to assume an “elliptical orbit” (check).  The orbit causes the Moon to draw closer to Earth, appearing as a “menacing object in the skies” (check).  Various scientists are rushed to Washington, and anyone connected with them is to hide behind “national security” as they lie regarding their purpose (check).  The same old time-worn solution is hauled out; nuke it.  Salvation in destruction.  In this case, it’s the Moon.  Blow it up.  Break it in half.  Done.  Earth saved.  (Check; NASA just recently announced plans to blow a hole in the lunar south pole… find WATER.  The real answer in a later installment.)   In the final moments, the Moon is shown hovering hugely in the sky like the 2 halves of Humpty Dumpty.  All’s well that ends well, or so we’re led to believe.

All of which brings us to ‘Operation Patchwork’.  As its name implies, this deceptive attempt at ‘Disclosure’ is based on a patchwork of paradigms, which neatly mirror the black-box compartments that have governed the entire Coverup since the beginning.  Since these compartments were first constructed with the idea in mind that no one compartment need know what any other compartment might be working on, lest they figure out the ‘Big Picture’, those ‘insiders’ from one compartment often clashed with those from others.  A hierarchy based on a ‘need to know’ also aided the development of contradictory paradigms.  Mid-level employees were told y and z, but never (planet) x.  Many in the higher levels were shown a, b, and c, but again, never (planet) x, y, or z.  In such a culture, with the left (wing) never knowing what the right (wing) was really up to, rumors would grow.  And grow.  Bean-box (as black compartments were often known by their occupants) “A” might discover a crop-circle they thought was directed at them, never knowing that Bean-box “D” had actually created it.  Bean-box “F” might be told that a certain website had been established as a bogus “foil”, to keep the too-nosy truthseekers fearful and distraught, not knowing that Bean-box “Z” had been tasked with ensuring that said website wasn’t hacked or taken off-line. 
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