Friday, December 23, 2011

Obama, The Postmodern Coup -- Making of a Manchurian Candidate, by Webster Griffin Tarpley, at The Ralph Nader Library

Obama, The Postmodern Coup -- Making of a Manchurian Candidate, by Webster Griffin Tarpley, at The Ralph Nader Library

"Where did you get a public opinion that we should fully disarm and then, according to some theoreticians, such as Brzezinski, divide our territory into three or four states? If there is such a public opinion, I would disagree with it." -- Russian President Vladimir Putin, June 4, 2007.
This book exposes Obama, but it does so from a standpoint that is fundamentally different from almost all other critical studies seen so far. This book exposes and refutes Obama from the left. In this book, the vague and vapid messianic and utopian platitudes, the lemming legions, the personality cult, the narcissism, the megalomania, the fake polling, the media and intelligence agency manipulation which are the essence of Obama and his campaign of mass manipulation are criticized thoroughly, but always from a standpoint which reaches back to the Franklin D. Roosevelt New Deal, in many ways the best government that America has ever known. The basic thesis shared by the authors of this book is that Obama is a right-winger, an elitist, a creature of Wall Street, and a deeply troubled personality, running far to the right of his main opponent, Sen. Clinton, on all major issues, including the two critical areas of economics and foreign policy. Obama's ultra-left components, concentrated in social and energy policy, are an ideological camouflage which only accentuates, and does not alter, his overall pro-Wall Street profile. Obama is a right-winger, and this book criticizes him from the left. This, it turns out, is by far his most vulnerable flank in today's crisis of simultaneous wars and economic depression.
Other studies of Obama can be divided into three main groups. First are those which approach their subject with transparent adulation and hero worship. This is the majority of the treatments of Obama coming out of the liberal and left liberal community, and these studies are so biased as to be basically worthless. The authors are often the limousine liberals and wealthy elitists and their publicists, and these persons tend to make up Obama's most devoted base. 

The rightists speculate that Obama will surrender to the supposed global jihad, whereas his true goal is to launch his own apocalyptic global hyper-jihad against Pakistan, China, and Russia, in conformity with the prescriptions of his guru and svengali, the marplot Zbigniew Brzezinski. Obama is the darling of the failed and bankrupt elites: Brzezinski, Jay Rockefeller, George Soros, Paul Adolph Volcker, General Merrill "Bomb Now, Die Later" McPeak, Joseph Nye of the Trilateral-Bilderberger complex, and the notorious ruling class cover-up artist Lee Hamilton are all in Obama's amen corner. The right-wingers then try to portray Obama as a Moslem, whereas he obviously worships at the Ford Foundation Church of the Counterinsurgency, where the racist provocateur Jeremiah Wright purveys a Gnostic synthetic religion totally distinct from both Christianity and Islam. They try to portray Obama as a left liberal, whereas he exhibits in fact many of the features of what is being increasingly recognized as postmodern fascism. All of these right wing and neocon attempts to understand the Obama phenomenon are thus crippled by an attempt to make this candidate and his supporters fit into ideological schemes left over from the Cold War, or else from the post-9/11 era. But the Cold War is long gone, and the post-9/11 era is rapidly fading into yesterday's headlines, even as the Brzezinski faction gears up for the global showdown with Moscow, Beijing, and the other capitals of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
The net result of all the right-wing and neocon studies of Obama is to vastly underestimate the danger that he poses, both in terms of world-wide thermonuclear confrontation (the likely outcome of Brzezinski's endgame), as well as in terms of the transformation of the U.S. society and economy towards postmodern fascism. The postmodern fascist danger is not confined to Obama: the radical environmental charlatan Al Gore has just announced his intention to spend $300 million to create a private army of 10 million: Malthusian fanatics who will coerce politicians and society in general into implementing global warming countermeasures. These will obviously include reductions in the standard of living, and speculative bonanzas for Gore and his clique of elitists. Gore's Green Army will be available for strikebreaking. It might also undertake a March on Washington in the spirit of Benito Mussolini's October 1922 March on Rome. Will Gore's environmental storm troopers wear green shirts? If they do, they will join the tradition of the green-shirted Romanian Iron Guards of Codreanu, an imitator of Il Duce. Not surprisingly, Obama has announced that Gore will be prominent and influential in the future regime of the Illinois messiah.
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