Thursday, January 5, 2012

Comicbook review: Animal Man #2

There are 19 pages of story, because one page is an ugly and pointless two page splash. If one goes by panels there's probably... 8? Maybe 9 pages of story, and even then it's extremely drawn out to the point that fuckall happens.

The art is not at Truog levels of hideousness, but it smacks very much of the bad old days of Vertigo where adult themes require nasty looking art for no real reason other than laziness.

Buddy is apparently short for Bernhard(t) which is also a load of crap not to mention a non sequitur.

All in all it feels very much like a hack screenwriter writing an ep of a show for the money with zero real interest in the story.

One item I found hilarious is the confusion as to The Red, a concept that couldn't have been any clearer in the original Animal Man run if it had been drawn with crayon on a wall. Now The Red that Animal Man and his irritating Mary Sue daughter visit (somehow) includes... a tree.

The Red of course is the Platonic realm OF ANIMALS.

So a tree, as such, is probably NOT going to be your eidolon of choice.

Hilariously inept.
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