Thursday, April 26, 2012

Demons in Alien's Clothing

The ancient civilizations of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas shared several intriguing characteristics:

Demons in Alien's Clothing

As we enter the 21st century and a new millenium, Satan has devised the delusion that mankind is entering into an important evolutionary phase - a New Age. The push for "global enlightenment" has now extended to the vast reaches of the universe, into what could be deemed as a "space" religion. However, once this nebulous veil is lifted, a definite correlation emerges between the UFO/Alien phenomenon and occultic/satanic activity.
    Photo of a Gargoyle, or perhaps, a representation of humanity's collective memory of the 'GODS' who once walked among us.
  1. They were extremely advanced scientifically and technologically.
  2. Animal and human sacrifices were performed at an alarming rate, preceding their demise.
  3. They believed they had acquired metaphysical knowledge from the "gods", whom they perceived as coming from the stars and also the subterranean level of the earth.
  4. These cultures disintegrated or became abruptly extinct while at the pinnacle of their existance.
Many of these revered and feared entities were described as looking like winged-reptilians or dragons. Similarly, Satan and his minions were depicted in an identical manner, as seen in artwork throughout the centuries.
A monograph entitled, Reality of the Serpent Race, by Branton, reveals, "In Genesis 3 we read about the 'Nachash'; Hebrew word for 'Serpent'. The original Nachash was not actually a snake as most people believe, but an extremely intelligent, cunning creature, possessed with the ability to speak and reason." Another significant parallel from the Holy Bible is shown in Jeremiah 8:17, "Behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices among you, which will bite you, saith the Lord." The definition of a cockatrice is a reptilian bird-like creature or winged-serpent. This could very well represent the Phoenix, described in Egyptian mythology.
A theory proposed by Bible scholar I.D.E. Thomas asserts that the race of the "Nephilim" (meaning Giants and/or fallen ones), mentioned in Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33, closely resemble the alien race of the blond Pleiadian Nordics, reported to be eight to nine feet tall. The Nazis attempted to revive this mystical Aryan race in the 1930's and 1940's. Mr. Thomas believes that a hybrid offspring culminated from relations between the Nephilim and the "daughters of man" resulting in increased wickedness upon the earth; and thus evoking God's wrath in the form of the "Great Flood".
Interviews taken of ex-Wiccans and Satanists (now Christians) indicate a high level of personal contact with various alien types, especially during coven meetings and holiday rituals. Those coming from the highest echelon of Satanism known as the Illuminati, believe the original people who inhabited the earth descended from Mars via the Moon. They believe the first established civilization was Atlantis. Renowned for their superior intellect, the Atlanteans suffered the same fate as a few of the proceeding cultures already mentioned. The remnant people from Atlantis became the American Indians, according to their interpretation of history.
Dr. Richard Boylan has written extensively about E.T. encounters, and has found five common features of people predominately involved in UFO/alien sightings and abductions:
  1. Individuals possessing a high degree of psychic ability.
  2. Similar phenomenon occuring with other family members (multi or trans-generational).
  3. Native Americans and/or indigenous peoples.
  4. Children who have been subjected to severe abuse or trauma.
  5. Individuals and/or family members affiliated to government and/or military intelligence agencies or departments.
In conjunction, a strong relationship exists between occultic ritual sites, top secret military installations, and UFO/alien sightings and abductions. There also appears to be a magnetic spiritual vortex (or vacuum) which has drawn an many "New Agers" into these areas (Taos, NM; Sedona,AZ; Boulder, CO, etc.). One prime example is the area near Dulce, NM, where the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has a highly-secured underground complex on the Jicarella Indian Reservation -- a region known for Native American shamanism. The facility is said to be used for genetic engineering, including cloning. Several witnesses who were employed there reported seeing different breeds of aliens.


Literally, reptilians? Like, reptile men?

OK, but what about this?

It's documented fact, corroborated with both confessions and witness testimony, supported by the discovery of one of the "sets" used, and additionally the discovery by law enforcement of the DIA (NOT CIA) linked "Finders", "Keepers" and the rest, that child porn and abduction rings, in other words organised crime rings focused on ancient babylonian mystery rites concerning children use costumes, staging, hypnosis and mind control to carry out their monstrous crimes.

So the question becomes, which is more likely? Literal reptilians or people pretending to be reptilians? Likewise the X-Files episode "Jose Chung's From Outer Space" comes pretty close to summing up the alien abduction's "military abduction" subtype...
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