Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Here Come the Green Police! DHS Launches ‘Environmental Justice’ Units « The Constitution Club

Here Come the Green Police! DHS Launches ‘Environmental Justice’ Units « The Constitution Club

Lest you think these people are crazy as a loon, (which they are), here’s the official explanation from the Regime:

Our nation’s vision of homeland security is a homeland that is safe and secure, resilient against terrorism and other hazards - where American interests and aspirations, and the American way of life can thrive. In seeking to fulfill this vision, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) aspires to avoid burdening minority and low-income populations with a disproportionate share of any adverse human health or environmental risks associated with our efforts to secure the nation.

What a complete crock of crap.

Since when is terrorism a mere “hazard,” – comparable to environmentalist wacko-ism? The “American way of life”? As defined by whom – Barack Obama, Al Gore and the rest of the greenies? And – why must the Divider-in-Chief single out – as he always does – “minority and low-income populations”? And their “disproportionate share”? That “efforts to secure the nation” part is hysterical as well. How low of a common denominator are these people playing to?

The DHS document also lists concerns such as “climate change” and “melting Arctic ice,” despite recent reports confirming that the amount of floating ice in the Arctic’s Bering Sea “reached all-time record high levels last month,” according to the US National Snow and Ice Data Center. Then again, liberals never let facts or data get in the way of “securing the nation” according to their agendas, do they?
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