Saturday, April 28, 2012

Men in Black

Men in Black

"Men in Black... are even better known in the histories of witchcraft and black magic."
Men in Black
"Their faces were unpleasant to look at. Their eyes shone like tiny flashlight bulbs, and the teeth were pearly white, set in a very dark complexion. I could not see their hands, covered by black gloves. A bluish radiance enveloped their entire bodies, and I wondered if this was giving off the sulphuric odor."
Albert Bender in FLYING SAUCERS AND THE THREE MEN  (page 106) 1962

       Drawing by Albert K. Bender, 1953.
"Abominable Snowpersons, poltergeists, frog rainfalls, and UFOs are all interrelated. You can’t possibly investigate one without some knowledge of the others. For example, the Men in Black (MIBs) so well known in UFO lore are even better known in the histories of witchcraft and black magic. These mysterious gentlemen have been reported for a thousand years. The UFO buffs decided they were CIA agents. But another group known as superbuffs thinks the whole world is run by a secret league of wealthy men and that the MIBs are their minions. In the Far East, where belief in a “king of the world” still rides high, people think the MIBs are agents from the secret underground cities of the king. In West Virginia the MIBs passed themselves off as everything from Bible salesmen to census takers."
Men in Black: the UFO silencers
Usually traveling in twos and threes, driving black luxury cars and wearing sunglasses and dark suits, they appear sensitive to light, are bizarrely "foreign" in appearance, and issue warnings and threats to UFO witnesses. Their faces are hairless and plastic-like as if masks are hiding their real nature.
John Keel, one of the world’s greatest researchers into the paranormal, had dealings with them and thought they weren't human. According to Keel, the MIB often claim to represent an organization called   "The Nation of the Third Eye."

 Because of their secret agent look and how they are uncannily well informed, some believe they work for the government, although US intelligence agencies have denied all knowledge of them. Others think they might be bio-synthetic forms or even holographic images working for the "ufo invaders".

They appear to have telepathic powers and have been reported to mysteriously disappear when their cars are chased.

Men in Black are responsible for silencing witnesses to UFOs and ensuring that UFO events are kept hidden from the public. They use forms of persuasion from phone calls and surprise visits to the threat of deadly force. They usually confiscate any "evidence" that the contacted might have collected.

Contact with Men in Black in the age of Ufology began with Albert K. Bender:
Albert Bender and the M.I.B. Mystery
In 1953 Albert K. Bender of Bridgeport Connecticut was running an organization called the International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB) and editing a little publication called "Space Review" that was dedicated to news of flying saucers.
The IFSB had a small membership despite its rather grandiose title, and Space Review reached at best, no more than a few hundred readers. But they were all deeply devoted to the idea that flying saucers were craft from outer space. In common with other true believers, these saucer buffs were convinced that they were in possession of a great truth, while most of the rest of the world remained in darkness and ignorance. They felt very important, and thus it was with a sense of surprise, even shock, that they opened up the October 1953 issue of Space Review and found two unexpected announcements: "LATE BULLETIN. A source which the IFSB considers very reliable has informed us that the investigation of the flying saucer mystery and the solution is approaching its final stages. This same source to whom we had referred data, which had come into our possession, suggested that it was not the proper method and time to publish the data in Space Review."
The second and more shocking item read: "STATEMENT OF IMPORTANCE: The mystery of the flying saucers is no longer a mystery. The source is already known, but any information about this is being withheld by order from a higher source. We would like to print the full story in Space Review, but because of the nature of the information we are very sorry that we have been advised in the negative."
The statement ended with the ominous sentence, "We advise those engaged in saucer work to please be very cautious." Bender then suspended the publication of Space Review, and dissolved the IFSB.
The tone of the announcements would have been familiar to anyone who had much experience with occult organizations. Occultists often claim they are in the possession of some great secret which, for equally secret reasons, they cannot reveal. Even the appeal, "please be very cautious" was not unique. It made those engaged in "saucer work" feel more important. After all, who is going to bother to persecute you if you are just wasting your time?
Shortly after Bender closed down the Space Review and the IFSB, he gave an interview to a local newspaper, which he said that he had been visited by three men wearing dark suits, and that they had ordered him to stop publishing material about flying saucers. Bender said that he had been scared to death and that he couldn't eat or sleep for a couple of days. In 1963, Bender elaborated further about his encounter in the book "Flying Saucers and the Three Men in Black." It was strange book that revealed little in the way of hard facts, but enhanced the reputation of the Men in Black as being extraterrestrial.  He claimed that they were from somewhere called "Kazik", he visited their spaceship in Antarctica, and they told him that their agents had infiltrated the Pentagon. 
HA-HA!  Spaceship in Antarctica?   Infiltrated the Pentagon?  Once you know these dudes are jinn, their shenanigans and comments seem almost humorous.   But I have felt terrified by the thought of MIB.  See my story  DOPPELGANGERS and MEN IN BLACK -- webmaster.)
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