Thursday, February 14, 2013

Chapter Four - Liberal Fascism

Chapter Four - Liberal Fascism

In retrospect, the Frankfort School of Thought was hugely successful, and Western Civilization was ultimately broken by German ideas propagating through Western Universities, rather than Russian guns on the battlefield. 
Rewritten and honed by the Frankfort School, the theology of dialectical materialism went on to form the basis of several organized religious movements (denominations of Liberal Fascism – Marxism, Communism, National Socialism, State Capitalism, Feminism, Environmentalism, Left Wing Nationalism, Secular Humanism, etc.) that took root over the course of the twentieth century and gradually undermined spiritual idealism and the foundations of Western Civilization.
·        The Nature of God: There is no god but Man himself, and Marx is his prophet.  (Satanic Variant: There is no part of us that is not of the gods.)   
·         The Nature of Heaven:  Heaven is an earthly paradise; a future Communist Utopia where all men and women will live as equals in small, isolated, static and primitive communities that are in harmony with the environment.  It is described in John Lennon’s song, Imagine.  
·        Salvation:  Man can only bring about Heaven on Earth through a collective and violent effort that takes place in two steps: (1) establish a totalitarian and socialist government that viciously enforces human equality and ecological balance and (2) use this New World Order to wipe out all organized religions (especially Christianity and Judaism) and private enterprise.  
·        Morality:  Morality is relative.  There are no absolute rules.  There is no such thing as grace.  There is no such thing as guilt.  Ethical actions are limited to political activism and moral behavior is narrowly defined as one’s revolutionary (missionary) zeal in spreading the religion.  
·         Truth:  Radical Materialism is the only Reality, and “Settled Science” (meaning Liberal Fascism and its underlying theology of Dialectical Materialism) is the only Truth.  All other truths are opiates of the people.  Elitist “peer reviews” enforce orthodoxy and replace the open debate and critical thought that characterized Greek Philosophical Schools and Renaissance Universities.  Scientific theories that challenge orthodoxy are branded as “pseudoscience” and the heretical scientists who preach them are publicly ridiculed and deprived of government funding.       
Before the Process Church of the Final Judgment arrived, most of the population of Western Civilization had quietly converted to the religion of Liberal Fascism and accepted the tenants of the Frankfort School of Thought.  Western Civilization was like a vast expanse of loose rocks spread upon the side of a hill and waiting to be swept away by an avalanche – the Process Church only needed to kick the first couple of rocks in the right direction.      
The “right direction” was toward the occult – for it is in the basic nature of all forms of Liberal Fascism, regardless of denomination, to gravitate toward Occultism and Satanism.  
That people naturally progress from a belief in Communism to National Socialism to Occultism was first observed in Germany in the 1930s.  The Nazi Flag illustrates this escalading ideology.  As Adolf Hitler explained in his 1925 work Mein Kampf, "As National Socialists, we see our program in our flag.”  Red is the color of socialism (“the social idea of the movement”), as indeed it is also the color of the flags of the former Soviet Union and the current People’s Republic of China.  The red progresses toward a white interior – the color of what Hitler called “the nationalistic idea” (i.e. nationalism and tribalism).  The black swastika at the center of the white interior is intended to be an occult representation of Thor’s Hammer (or Zeus’s Thunderbolt or the Thunderbird’s Talons) wielded by Nietzsche’s “Übermensch.”
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