Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Is this really human? DNA tests on six-inch skeleton of 'alien-looking' creature with over-sized head prove it was actually human claim scientists in new documentary | Mail Online

Is this really human? DNA tests on six-inch skeleton of 'alien-looking' creature with over-sized head prove it was actually human claim scientists in new documentary | Mail Online

Theories have included that the bones were those of an aborted fetus, or a monkey, or even an alien that had crash-landed on earth.  
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A new documentary film Sirius has revealed that the mummified remains of a six-inch supposed ¿space alien¿ are in fact human
A new documentary film Sirius has revealed that the mummified remains of a six-inch supposed 'space alien' are in fact human
Scientists say DNA tests have revealed the ususal remains to be human rather than alien

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