Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Singapore Paranormal Investigators

The Mystery of Miniature Humanoids in Malaysia

Malaysia has had reports of very small humanoids, which are merely 3 to 6 inches tall, sometimes sighted together with their mini UFOs as big as soup plate or car tire. These entities are known as Orang Kenit or Little Men among the Malays but they are not aware that these entities are UFO-related. Modern sightings of these little men, strange enough, almost always happened near or in primary schools. The witnesses of course are mainly school children. This is the reason why most people do not take these accounts seriously.

I first become aware of these entities in 1991 when they visited my primary school. It was not until years later in 1996 when I read about other similar accounts dating back to 1970s compiled by Ahmad Jamaludin which was published in the magazine Mutiara Malaysia.

The following are some of these cases from the article ¡§Humanoid Encounters in Malaysia¡¨ by Ahmad Jamaludin, published in MUFON UFO Journal, No. 141, November 1979 (USA)

  • CASE 1: Johor Bahru, 1970  Four boys going to school one morning saw a small UFO and tiny 6-inch tall creatures. The boys soon reported it to the headmaster and since it occurred in the school premises, the news broke out and soon the whole school was combing the area looking for the creatures. One small burnt patch on the ground was found. The UFO was gone.
  • CASE 2: Gambang near Kuantan, 1973  Two schoolboys claimed to have seen tiny humanoids only 3-inches tall in the school compound. It is said that one of the creatures was actually caught by the boys, which attracted the attention of a teacher. He arrived in time to see it before the tiny creature finally managed to escape.
  • CASE 3: Bukit Mertajam, 1973  A group of boys playing football in a school field sighted a small UFO landed nearby. From it emerged tiny creatures which immediately one of the boys tried to catch. A beam of light was fired at the boy¡¦s hand. The UFO flew away.
  • CASE 4: Ipoh, 1973  A small UFO carrying tiny humanoids landed in a school field. Several schoolboys who sighted it excitedly called their teachers. They came just too late to see the object speeding away.
  • CASE 5: Miri, Sarawak, 1973  Several boys saw a humanoid about 6 inches tall wearing a white suit cutting a fence wire with an intense beam of light. They tried to catch it but it was lost in the bushes. No UFO was sighted.
  • CASE 6: Miri, Sarawak, 1973  Several people on vacation along the beach sighted a group of tiny beings wearing white suits. There were about six or seven of them. They wore no mask and resembled humans except for their tiny size. This group consisted of possibly males and females. The females were notable because of the long hair. An attempt to catch them failed. No saucer was sighted.
  • CASE 7: Bukit Mertajam, 1979  A small UFO landed on a field near some boys. A boy tried to catch a 3-inch creature that emerged from it. It fired a beam that temporarily paralyzed his right arm. The UFO then flew away.
It is noted that there were many cases where the attempt to catch these entities ended up with the subject being shot with some sort of ray gun weapon of the entities. There was a wave of their visitations in 1970, as compiled by Ahmad Jamaludin in his article ¡§A Wave of Small Humanoids in Malaysia in 1970¡¨. There were sightings of these little men in other countries but they were extremely rare. So far no one has been able to provide satisfactory explanation as to why this type of entity is almost always confined to Malaysia. When we look at entities sightings around the planet, it seems that the Greys are mainly active in America, while animal-like occupants in Latin America, tall human occupants in some European countries etc. Either people perceive the phenomena differently or there is something going on among these different types of entities. It is possible that if they do exist, and if different species of entities are visiting our world, they would have made some sort of agreement, and different races were assigned different parts of the planet to avoid intervention from other races. This is similar to the western colonization period, where South East Asia is divided to British, Dutch and France etc. So it is possible that Malaysia and some other regions were assigned to these mini entities.

However, these entities seem to have been quiet for sometime. Maybe sightings were not reported or maybe they truly had disappeared from Malaysia. On the other hand, since the sighting of little green men of about 2 feet tall in Tanjung Sepat, near Sepang in 1995, we have been getting visitations by much taller entities. Maybe there was a change in geopolitics among various types of entities. However one thing remains unchanged: abduction cases are still very rare and there is no report of cattle mutilation. The entities in this region seem to be not as active as other types of entities such as the Greys.

Here are two accounts about miniature entities witnessed in other countries taken from the Human Contact Database, compiled by Albert S Rosales. It is accessible online at the following URL http://www.thelosthaven.co.uk/conthumanoid.html. Of course we do not know how credible the stories are. The first account sounds very weird indeed!

Location: North West, Western Australia
Date: December 1984 Time: night
While working in a field a man tripped over. In his horizontal position he saw the cause of his predicament. A small picket fence formed a compound. Within this area were tiny people and a fleet of miniature buses going about their business! For several yeas afterwards a series of five vertical lines like a bar code remained on the witness's forehead until they finally faded away. (Shades of Gulliver's travels?)

Location: Near Billings, Montana
Date: October 8 1984 Time: afternoon
A man and a woman described as a truck driving team, reportedly sighted a large bubble-shaped object emerge from a dark cloud and crash on the road near them. A peanut shaped cylinder fell out of the large bubble shaped object and several creatures, described as bird-like; about 8 inches tall with v-shaped heads and human legs came out of the peanut-shaped cylinder. These creatures proceeded to follow the pair of witnesses and fired what appeared to be metallic fillings at them. The couple drove to a nearby truck stop and claimed that the creatures were still nearby hovering above some telephone poles. Strangely no one else at the truck stop was able to see the creatures.

These are the mostly imagined images of extraterrestrial aliens

UFO Waves and Source-X Hypothesis

Margaret Sachs defined a UFO wave as ¡§a period when multiple nationwide or worldwide UFO sightings occur¡¨, whereas a UFO flap ¡§denotes a highly publicized concentration of UFO sightings within a small geographical area or a short time period7¡¨. A UFO wave is typically accompanied by lots of sightings and aerial displays, landings, and CE-III cases. The following are records of major UFO waves around the planet15:

Why do UFO waves occur? Some people have suggested that maybe alien visitors are tourists, so they plan to visit such and such countries in specific years. But surely this hypothesis cannot be proven, and worse it cannot be falsified. A good scientific theory has to be falsifiable and it has to be able to predict future events. How are we supposed to predict where the next wave is? This is impossible to do, not even in theory, if the tourist hypothesis is true. After all, unless we consult the alien tourism agency, we can never know what they have in mind for next destination.

On May 20, 2004, I have a brief meeting with Ufologist Ahmad Jamaludin. His area of research is UFO wave and to find out where these UFO occupants come from. Unfortunately this is not a very active area of research, so much so that he is not aware of any other researchers who might be working on the topic! Most researchers in Ufology concentrate on alien abduction and related phenomena, on why the aliens (if they really exist) come to Earth, instead of where they came from.

Ahmad believes that most UFO occupants are from parallel universes, and that they are using more or less the same type of technology to come to Earth. He noticed that there is a 10-year-cycle (give or take one year) of UFO waves in South East Asia region. In his UFO Reports in Southeast Asia, 1800 ¡V 1996 on page 26, he wrote:

Due to lack of proper documentation, there was a probable UFO wave in 1948 around Indochina and the Philippines. The wave returned to this region about 10 years later to strike the eastern tip of Papua New Guinea in 1959. Then 10 years later, it came again, this time over Malaysia in 1970. In 1979, one year earlier than usual, a UFO wave broke out in central and southern Philippines. We could expect the cycle to repeat itself around 1990 plus or minus one year. Unfortunately, no wave was recorded for that year. The reason for this could be due to the wave epicenter being over the ocean, possibly west of Sumatra, Indonesia.
Then 11 years later in 2001, there were 6 sightings in Malaysia: 3 in Sabah, 2 in Kedah, and 1 in Penang; compared to only 3 in 2000. Although this is hardly considered a wave, we must bear in mind that many sightings could have been went unnoticed as they were not reported, and Malaysia may not even be the centre of the wave. Most interestingly, of course, is the case of a possible alien abduction in Malaysia, reported on 18 February 2001. A man known as Yabi Gistubod who lived near Tambunan claimed that he met a square-bodied alien who wanted to take him away. He then went missing and was later found sitting in a bush in a stupor. The night before he disappeared, he was wearing white and seemed to be floating just above the ground. His wife who touched his shirt was puzzled when the shirt turned black and Yabi passed out. He vanished again on the 20th and was found 11 days later walking towards his home with his eyes closed and was communicating in sign language. However, the man refused to talk much and hence not much detail is known about what exactly happened to him.

If the theory is correct, the next wave will hit South East Asia in around 2010, give or take one year. Only the aliens themselves know which country of South East Asia will be the centre of the wave.

Ufologists also notice that many UFO sightings occur before, during, or after earthquake. Some believe that this is due to piezo-electric effect: stress on rocks in Earth¡¦s crust can produce electrical fields with a potential energy of thousands of volts (Persinger and Lafranière, 1977). These electrical discharges can ionize local air into visible luminosities, creating ball of lights which people reported as UFOs. It is possible that witnesses close enough to these balls of light may hallucinate due to electrical interference on human brain. Thus, some researchers believe that sightings of spacecrafts and aliens are simply in the brain of the witnesses, i.e. they are not objectively real. Some Ufologists, on the other hand, believe that this theory does not explain all mysteries, and proposed alternative hypothesis to link UFOs with earthquake. Ahmad has his own Source-X hypothesis.

Ahmad believes that UFOs and earthquakes were triggered by the same force, i.e. whatever is triggering the UFO manifestations on Earth is also causing the earth plates to move. He wrote in newspaper The Star, November 3, 1995: ¡§UFOs and earth tremors rarely occur in Malaysia. But when both of them occur around the same time frame then the signal seems to be very clear.¡¨ He then listed out four examples:

  • An earth tremor was felt in Penang on March 17, 1979, and another in Kuala Lumpur on April 28 of the same year. This same time frame saw a sudden increase of UFO sightings in the northern states of Kedah and Penang.
  • On Jan. 15, 1967, a UFO was sighted in Penang and on April 12, 1967, an earth tremor was felt there as a result of the Sumatran earthquake.
  • A UFO was sighted on March 28, 1987 near Kuantan, and an earth tremor was felt along the West Coast on April 25, 1987.
  • On Nov. 13, 1991, the West Coast received another slight jolt and this time a UFO was sighted in Pontian, Johor.
His Source-X hypothesis holds that there is a wormhole, a tear in the fabric of our space-time continuum, which is in our Solar system, and revolves around the Sun just like any other planets. The wormhole origin is unknown, but it could be due to astronomical event that happened a very long time ago, possibly a huge explosion of a planetary body in the early age of the formation of our Solar System. This wormhole connects our universe with other universes (or a distant part of our own universe), providing a short-cut for inter-dimensional travel. As the wormhole opens wider and longer, more alien crafts can use the chance to visit our planet. And when the wormhole is directly above a certain country, that country of course receives more sightings, and this causes UFO waves. The 10-year-cycle could be due to the orbiting wormhole will be directly on our skies in South East Asia every 10 years or so. So far our physics do not yet permit us to know whether inter-dimensional travel via wormholes is indeed possible, so until then it will be wise to stay open-minded about the possibility. For me, it seems more plausible than superluminal or faster-than-light travel.
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