The book has short chapters, typical of the length in our post-literate society. Much of the book reads like longer versions of Cashill's online essays, so if you like them, you'll like this. I do happen to like his essays so the book being essentially a sequential succession of same made it a pleasurable experience for me.
The author injects some autobiography into the work in tolerable small snippets, but the crux of the reading experience, and the only reason anyone outside WND or American Thinker might buy this tome is the approach, both scholarly and reputable, to the real issues of Obama's true identity, the identity of the person who obviously ghost-wrote his "autobiographies", and the exposure of the constant venal lying behaviour of Obama from his earliest truly recorded history to the present.
In the process we are set with the task of curing whatever cognitive dissonance we may be suffering- and even stern critics of Obama are victims of the omnipresent media hypnosis. Looked at plainly, Obama is truly an empty suit, elevated through race politics and used as a tool by many unscrupulous and frankly evil individuals for their own ends. Obama emerges as a figure distinctly like Hitler- a Frankenstein monster who outpaces the destructive impulses of his equally self-mythologising step-parents like Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright. What is vastly more disturbing is Obama's funding by Saudi Arabia, his apparent flirtation with homosexuality - something that is part of a clear pattern of leftist behaviour in the profile of many narcissists - and his deep and abiding love for himself. His creepy dedication to personal power and unerring ability to pick the hardline communist in the room to be his mentor at any given point in his history emerge fairly gently in Cashill's book, which summarises the Obama false personality and his predictable path to power whilst also setting out the fatally deep and incurable corruption of the mainstream media, and its enabler, the pervasive white guilt that generations of socialist infiltrators like the post-terrorist Weathermen have created.
I don't see any way that the substance of Cashill's book can be refuted, so I expect instead it will be ignored by the talking puppets of the media. To confront any part of it would be to destroy Obama's credibility even with most of his supporters.
One important point made in passing in this impressive and excellent book is that Clinton, and Obama, both enjoy unprecedented and unthinking support from Black Americans. This peculiarly black disgrace of ignoring all faults in their chosen idols makes any racial group easy pickings. That is also incontrivertible and should provide food for thought for Black Americans- why are 99% of their leaders nothing more than shills or race hucksters? Why isn't the black consciousness movement independent of stalinists, FBI informants and woowoo theorists?
Read this book. It is well worth it.