The known types of Zoomways include:
The Paisley Zoomway - allowing travel between different parallel worlds and different time periods. An extremely powerful entity resembling a meso-American deity and known as The Paisley God claims dominion over this Zoomway and all who try and use it.
The Black Zoomway - leading into the Realm of Death. No one can pass through the Zoomway and remain Alive, although they might not necessarily emerge Dead, either.
The Rose Zoomway - named for its resemblance to pink-red roses and their spiked green stems, the interior of this Zoomway is shot through with those colours. It is used to travel into the past and future of the parallel universe in which you currently reside.
The Jade Zoomway - this Zoomway leads to the Asiatic-seeming Court of the August Personage in Jade and other celestial entities claiming to be Old Earth Gods. There is something odd about them though, and when encountered by Quo all was not as it seemed at the Court...
More Zoomways in another update to come!
Zoomways originally appeared in the Jonathan Nolan written game 'New Heaven, New Earth' created in 1982, published in 1985.
(c) Flying Tiger Comics 2011, all rights reserved worldwide.