The writer is Jeff Parker and I had to lead through like half the book to find that out. I wanted to find it out, because I found the writing to be ass cancerously bad. I didn't bother finishing it.
Between the totally boring characters and the pathetic small L liberal politics and preaching, this makes the original appearances of the Arabian Knight look like high art. Gone is his turban (appropriate) his correctly sized scimitar (appropriate) and his local language flavour (appropriate). Now he wears what looks like cast off Haliburton mercenary gear and a red sash like an afterthought. Likewise his characterisation is a despicable Chick Tract of homilies and gibberish.
The characters in fact all talk like mainstream media propagandists. The issue as a whole also took a large steaming shit on actual islamic and middle eastern racial and cultural norms, to the point that one wonders what this comicbook is really supposed to be about.
As for red hulk- just more yawn inducing crap. He's an old man in his human form- but with no issues related to old age, so what's the point? And as red hulk his power level is now all over the joint so again, what's the point?
As for the actual story, it was turgid nonsense that is so disconnected from reality, whilst managing to be offensively leftwing and badly thought out, that this is another comic no one should buy.