Sunday, December 29, 2013

Random Acts Of Awareness: Why I Think #SandyHook Is A Fraud

Random Acts Of Awareness: Why I Think #SandyHook Is A Fraud

'There's no point in knowing if you're not going to do anything about what you know.'

1. Share this information with others. Make people aware of what is being done to them.
2. Confront the Media every chance you get about Sandy Hook. Not to convince them of anything, because they already know, but to let them know that you know they're lying. Keep asking them questions, and demand answers. 
3. Practice your first amendment right to speak up and protest by peacefully confronting any Newtown Parents touring your town to Preach their Agenda. Many of them have taken their message (and their donation sites) to Twitter, where you are free to ask them anything you like, at any time. They are easy to find, most of them are directly connected to the official Sandy Hook Promise accounts. 
4. Buy Guns And Get Training. The end goal of these False Flags is to Disarm Populations and make them defenseless. So do the opposite. It's not enough to just buy a gun, contrary to what you see in the movies, without training you won't be very effective with it, and you may even endanger yourself or others. GET TRAINING. I realize this sounds extreme, however, it's exactly what I've done since Sandy Hook, and I'd be remiss if I didn't advise you to do the same.
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