Just the facts, Julia
This morning Julia Gillard said Tony Abbott should "get off"
Sydney's north shore and talk to some "real families" in the
"real world".
For the information of the Prime Minister, since the 2010
election Tony Abbott has held 36 community forums in over 28
electorates in all States and Territories, with more than 14,500
ordinary Australians having the opportunity to speak directly
with him.
No political figure has spent more time talking with Australian
families about their concerns in recent years than Tony Abbott.
If Julia Gillard got out and spent more time with real
Australians, she would know the damage her carbon tax is doing
across all parts of the Australian community.
Brian Loughnane
Federal Director
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Authorised by Brian Loughnane for the Liberal Party of Australia
Cnr Blackall & Macquarie Streets, Barton ACT 2600