Saturday, June 15, 2013

AWU, Bill Shorten and Julia Gillard. The union behind the man who’s behind the women. | Kangaroo Court of Australia

AWU, Bill Shorten and Julia Gillard. The union behind the man who’s behind the women. | Kangaroo Court of Australia

It is well-known that the AWU control about 20 votes in the federal Labor government which is enough to determine who will ultimately be the leader and current prime minister. What Bill Shorten and Paul Howes say and do counts for little. Bill Ludwig is the great power broker in the Labor Party and the main stream media need to tell it like it is more often and stop running with headlines that everyone is waiting to see what Bill Shorten will do in relation to the federal leadership. Mr Shorten will do what he is told to do by Bill Ludwig as it is Mr Ludwig that gave Bill Shorten his federal parliament job in a safe Labor Party seat in the first place.
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