Friday, June 14, 2013

From Alien Abductions Via MKUltra to an Implanted Cyber-Situation

From Alien Abductions Via MKUltra to an Implanted Cyber-Situation

Implant technology was developed after World War II. Both superpowers, the U.S. and the Soviet Union researched intra-cerebral mind-control, electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB), biological radio communication technology called telemetry. An electromagnetic wave can broadcast to a receiver/transmitter located under the skull or in the brain. This signal then records the brain activity and relays it to a computer for analysis, by which all aspects of the subjects life can be monitored. Mrs. Janine Jones from New Zealand is a very early implanted mind control victim. Mrs Jones parents were Norma and Reginald Paul Philips, the latter a prominent politician and Chief Justice of Western Samoa. She was adopted after an implant surgery in 1949. Her natural and adopted parents had backgrounds in the military. Upon her birth at LoverHutt Hospital, she was taken straight into an operating room where she was put on a life-support system, and illegal psychosurgery was performed via stereotaxic methods of drilling into her skull. The incisions left scars that remain to date.
Mrs. Jones is in the possession of x-rays which show implants in the cavities near the cochlea’s of both ears and one in the brain above the nose. Mrs. Jones has very good evidence to back her case, since Dr. Richard Thompson from England has analysed her x-rays and given a statement as follows:
‘Lateral projection shows a foreign object implanted in the frontal lobe directly adjacent to the nasal passages. This object is most probably a radio transmitter... interference in blood circulation is spreading over large areas of the brain. Concentrated in the frontal lobes and in particular around the foreign object. It is highly likely that this blood-flow impairment is the result of the radio-frequency emanating from the transmitter. This, in turn, causes a depletion in oxygen levels and reduced nutrient supply to these areas of the brain, where changes in neurological activity are inevitable.’
Mrs. Jones wrote to me recently:
‘Currently it is fair to assume that the two sets of electrodes inserted into my skull are firmly enmeshed with bone, muscle, nerves, blood and chemicals inside my brain. I am, in effect, a live radio circuit. The surface around my ears to the base of my skull emits gas which discharges in audible ‘plops’ onto nearby objects like wood, plastic, metal and worst of all my bedtime pillow at night. When I am directly in the path of oncoming microwaves, my head discharges like a volley, pouring into the surrounding environment.’
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