by J. Orlin Grabbe
The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 5, No 46, November 12, 2001
The two men headed to the Hilton Hotel in Sherman Oaks, California in the late Spring of 1986 were on their way to meet representatives of the mujahadeen, the Afghan fighters resisting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. One of the two, Ted Gunderson, had had a distinguished career in the FBI, serving as some sort of supervisor over Special Agents in the early 60s, as head of the Dallas field office from 1973-75, and as head of the Los Angeles field office from 1977-1979. He retired to become an investigator for, among others, well-known attorney F. Lee Bailey. And all along the way, Gunderson, whether or not actually a CIA contract agent, had been around to provide services to various CIA and National Security Council operations, as he was doing now. In more recent years Gunderson was to become controversial for his investigations into child prostitution rings, after he became convinced of the innocence of an Army medical doctor named Jeffrey McDonald, who had been convicted of the murder of his wife and three young children in the 1970s. This has led to various attempts by the patrons and operators of the child prostitution industry to smear Gunderson's reputation. Michael Riconosciuto was there to discuss assisting the mujahadeen with MANPADs—Man Portable Air Defense Systems. Stinger missiles were one possibility. If the U.S. would permit their export, Riconosciuto could modify the Stinger's electronics, so the guided missile would still be effective against Soviet aircraft, but would not be a threat to U.S. or NATO forces. But Riconosciuto had another idea. Through his connections with the Chinese industrial and military group Norinco, he could obtain the basic components for the unassembled Chinese 107 MM rocket system. These could be reconfigured into a man-portable, shoulder-fired, anti-aircraft guided missile system, and produced in Pakistan at a facility called the Pakistan Ordinance Works. The mujahadeen would then have a lethal weapon against Soviet helicopter, observation, and transport aircraft. Riconosciuto was more than just an expert on missile electronics; he was also an expert on electronic computers and associated subjects such as cryptology (see my "Michael Riconosciuto on Encryption"). Riconosciuto was a prodigy who had grown up in the spook community. The Riconosciuto family had once run Hercules, California, as a company town. In the early days (1861) a company called California Powder Works had been established in Santa Cruz, CA. It later purchased land on San Pablo Bay, and in 1881 started producing dynamite, locating buildings in gullies and ravines for safety purposes. A particularly potent type of black powder was named "Hercules Powder", which gave the name to the town of Hercules, formally incorporated in 1900. In World War I, Hercules became the largest producer of TNT in the U.S. Hercules, however, had gotten out of the explosives business by 1940 when an anhydrous ammonia plant was constructed. In 1959 Hercules began a new manufacturing facility to produce methanol, formaldehyde, and urea formaldehyde. In 1966 the plant was sold to Valley Nitrogen Producers. Labor problems led to a plant closure in 1977. In 1979 the plant and site was purchased by a group of investors calling themselves Hercules Properties, Ltd. However, Michael and his father Marshall Riconosciuto, a friend of Richard Nixon, continued to run the Hercules Research Corporation. In the early 1980s Michael also served as the Director of Research for a joint venture between the Wackenhut Corporation of Coral Gables, Florida, and the Cabazon Band of Indians in Indio, California. Riconosciuto's talents were much in demand. He had created the a-neutronic bomb (or "Electro-Hydrodynamic Gaseous Fuel Device"), which sank the ground level of the Nevada test site by 30 feet when a prototype was tested. Samuel Cohen, the inventor of the neutron bomb, said of Riconosciuto: "I've spoken to Michael Riconosciuto (the inventor of the a-neutronic bomb) and he's an extraordinarily bright guy. I also have a hunch, which I can't prove, that they both (Riconosciuto and Lavos, his partner) indirectly work for the CIA." Riconosciuto's bomb made suitcase nukes obsolete, because it achieved near-atomic explosive yields, but could be more easily minaturized. You could have a suitcase a-neutronic bomb, or a briefcase a-neutronic bomb, or simply a lady's purse a-neutronic bomb. Or just pull out your wallet for identification and —. The Meridian Arms Corporation, as well as the Universities of California and Chicago owned a piece of the technology. But there was more than explosives in the portfolios of the CIA agents who surrounded Riconosciuto like moths around a candle. Both Robert Booth Nichols, the shady head of Meridian Arms Corporation (with both CIA and organized crime conections), and Dr. John Phillip Nichols, the manager of the Cabazon reservation, were involved in bio-warfare work—the first in trying to sell bio-warfare products to the army through Wackenhut, the second in giving tribal permission for research to take place at Cabazon. According to Riconosciuto, the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was in charge of the classified contracts for biological warfare research. Riconosciuto would later testify under oath that Stormont Laboratories was involved in the DARPA-Wackenhut-Cabazon project. Jonathan Littman, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle would relate: "Cabazons and Wackenhut appeared to be acting as middlemen between the Pentagon's DARPA and Stormont Laboratories, a small facility in Woodland near Sacramento." The Race Weapon Riconosciuto would make additional claims about Bio-Rad Corporation, a medical supplier which had gradually taken over Hercules, California. They were also, Riconosciuto would say, covertly engaged in bio-warfare research—producing some of the deadliest toxins known to man. The focus of Bio-Rad's research was said to be bio-active elements that could be tailored to attack those with certain types of DNA. Weapons could thus be produced that were specifically designed to wipe out specific races or genetic classes of human beings. (Alternatively, particular DNA types could be immunized against a deadly biological agent; the agent could then be released, and everyone else would die.) A couple of years later, Meridian International Logistics, the parent company of Meridian Arms, was to farm similar research out to the Japanese. This included (according to minutes of a corporate meeting dated Aug. 26, 1988) methods for "induction and activation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes". Associated with Meridian's Robert Booth Nichols in a Middle Eastern operation called FIDCO, a company that ran arms into and heroin out of Lebanon's Beqaa (Bekaa) Valley, was Harold Okimoto, a high-ranking member of the Yakuza. Okimoto had longed worked under Frank Carlucci (who served as Secretary of Defense and Deputy Director of the CIA before becoming Chairman of The Carlyle Group). Okimoto owned food concessions in casinos around the world—Las Vegas, Reno, Macao, and the Middle East. (Free drinks and anthrax while you play blackjack, anyone?) Meeting Riconosciuto and Gunderson at the hotel were two representatives of the mujahadeen, waiting to discuss their armament needs. One of the two was named "Ralph Olberg." The other one was called Tim Osman (or Ossman). "Ralph Olberg" was an American businesman who was leading the procurement of American weapons and technology on behalf of the Afghan rebels. He worked through the Afghan desk at the U.S. State Department, as well as through Senator Hubert Humphrey's office. Olberg looked after the Afghanis through a curious front called MSH—Management Sciences for Health. The other man, dressed in Docker's clothing, was not a native Afghan any more than Olberg was. He was a 28-year-old Saudi. Tim Osman (Ossman) has recently become better known as Osama Bin Ladin. "Tim Osman" was the name assigned to him by the CIA for his tour of the U.S. and U.S. military bases, in search of political support and armaments. Gunderson and Riconosciuto were not on an altruistic mission. They had some conditions for their help. And they had some bad news to deliver. The mujahadeen needed to be willing to test new weapons in the field and to return a research report, complete with photos. The bad news was that some factions of the CIA didn't feel that Olberg and Osman's group were the real representatives of the Afghans. Upon hearing this both Tim and Ralph were indignant. They wanted to mount a full-court press. Round up other members of their group and do a congressional and White House lobbying effort in Washington, D.C. "Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name."
—The Rolling Stones, Sympathy for the Devil Did the lobbying effort take place? I don't know. There is some evidence that Tim Osman and Ralph Olberg visited the White House. There is certainty that Tim Osman toured some U.S. military bases, even receiving special demonstrations of the latest equipment. Why hasn't this been reported in the major media? One week after giving an affidavit to Inslaw regarding the PROMIS software in 1991, Riconosciuto was arrested on trumped-up drug charges. The Assistant U.S. Attorney prosecuting the case attempted to cover up Riconosciuto's intelligence background by claiming to the jury he was "delusional." A TV station came and pointed a camera out at the desert at Cabazon and said, "Riconosciuto says he modified the PROMIS software here." Of course Riconosciuto didn't modify the software out between the cacti and yucca. Sand isn't good for computers. He did the modifications in offices in nearby Indio, California. The AUSA told reporters Riconosciuto had been diagnosed with a mental condition, the implication being "he's making all this stuff up". Yes, there had been a mental evaluation of Riconosciuto. I have a copy of the report. The diagnosis? Here it is: NO MENTAL DISORDER. The Department of Justice consistently and maliciously lied to the jury, just as had been threatened by Justice Department official Peter Viednicks if Riconosciuto cooperated with the congressional investigation of PROMIS. If the war against Osama Bin Ladin (Tim Osman) is not a total fraud, then what is Michael Riconosciuto doing in prison? Why doesn't he have an office next to Colin Powell so he can give realistic advice on Bin Ladin's thinking? And where is Ralph Olberg? Thirty-four days before the East African embassy bombings of August 7, 1998, Riconosciuto notified the FBI in Miami that the bombings were going to take place. Two days prior to the bombings he requested of BOP (Bureau of Prisons) officials at the Federal Corrections Institution (FCI) in Coleman, FL., that he be allowed to call ECOMOG security headquarters to warn African officials. The BOP denied the request. Riconosciuto was mystified at being ignored by the relevant government authorities. I'm not mystified. I suspect the reason Riconosciuto was ignored was that the relevant parties, including especially the Miami FBI office, knew all along the bombings would take place. And they wanted them to happen. The same is true with respect to the recent plane bombings of the WTC. It wasn't an intelligence "failure". The terrorist acts were deliberately allowed to happen. The actors may have been foreign. But the stage directors appear to have been all along here in the U.S. Cui bono? Isn't it time to let Michael Riconosciuto out of prison, and wipe the slate clean of the trumped up drug charges, and let him be a national security advisor—at least with respect to the government's pursuit of Osama Bin Ladin? Isn't it time to quit pretending Osama Bin Ladin came out of nowhere? This is not an academic argument. Sources say three dozen MANPADs have been imported into Quebec, Canada, from Colombia (where they arrived from Eastern Europe). The missile shipments followed the "northern" drug route—from Colombia into Canada. The missiles involved are Russian Strellas and Iglas. These will serve just fine to take down commercial airline flights. Just like TWA 800. Which group of terrorists has the missiles? Meanwhile, how many biological warfare agents are in the hands of organized crime? Maybe you should ask Riconosciuto about all this. Michael Riconosciuto is now incarcerated at the FCI Allenwood, PA. You know where to find him. Note: Michael Riconosciuto has just been moved to Springfield, MO. His address is: Michael J. Riconosciuto
21309-086 Box 4000
U.S. Medical Center
Springfield, MO
Dr. Rick Strassman's "DMT: The Spirit Molecule," by Charles Carreon at American Buddha Online Library
by Charles Carreon I just finished reading "DMT: The Spirit Molecule," by Rick Strassman, M.D. who practices psychiatry in Taos, New Mexico and is a Clinical Associate Professor of psychiatry at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. Dr. Strassman managed to finagle permits to administer DMT, "an extremely short-acting and powerful psychedelic," at the UNM School of Medicine. Beginning in 1990, and continuing for five years, he administered 400 doses of DMT to 60 human volunteers.
Dr. Strassman has great intellectual credentials, including degrees from Stanford and Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University. He interned in general psychiatry at U.C. Davis Medical Center where he received the Sandoz Award for outstanding graduate resident in 1981. He has also been a Zen Buddhist for over 20 years and is deeply interested in the liberating spiritual potential of psychedelic drugs. Dr. Strassman's avowed purpose for his DMT work was to find ways to do good things for people with psychedelic drugs, but he was compelled to follow strict bio-medical protocols that ultimately hamstrung his research efforts and made him question whether there was any point in continuing. He left the project after his wife contracted cancer, and the promised additional support for his psychedelic research from other medical professionals failed to materialize. Dr. Strassman makes it clear that a great way to screw up a promising scientific career is to become interested in psychedelic research. He recounts a telling conversation with an anonymous "Dr. K," at the San Diego V.A. Hospital. Dr. Strassman was on his fellowship, and was having a "rambling and wide-ranging" conversation with Dr. K., when he ventured one of his pet theories:
"Do you think," I offered, "that the pineal [gland] might produce psychedelic compounds? It seems to have the right ingredients. Maybe it somehow mediates spontaneous psychedelic types of states -- psychosis for example." Dr. K. stopped in his tracks and turned on his heels. His brow furrowed and he peered at me intently through his glasses. A palpable menace glinted from his eyes. "Ooops," I thought. "Let me tell you this, Rick," he said slowly and firmly. "The pineal has nothing to do with psychedelic drugs."
Dr. Strassman learned his lesson, and did not speak the words "pineal and psychedelic in the same breath to anyone" for the remainder of the year.
Of course, we expect scientists to be uptight, because they have grants to protect, wives to support, kids to feed, and politicians to please. However, Strassman never expected to discover that his fellow Zen Buddhists were even more uptight than Dr. K., who just didn't want anyone screwing up his reputation in the pineal gland business.
Strassman's experiments utilized intravenous injections of DMT at dosage levels calculated at .05 mg./kg. of body weight for a low dose, and .4 mg./kg. for a high dose. The onset of psychedelic effect after injection is immediate with doses of .2 mg./kg. and above. What Strassman discovered in his experiments upended his hypothetical applecart. He expected people to have mystical and near-death type experiences. He did not expect for many of his experimental subjects to declare with certainty that they had met other beings during their experience, whom they described as "clowns" or "elves," who took an intensive interest and delight in the experimental subject's appearance in their dimension. These beings reside behind the brilliantly colored curtains of psychedelic light that immediately invade the visual sense field within seconds after administration of the drug. Ultimately, Dr. Strassman seemed to give up on his efforts to interpret these beings as projections of psychological features, as one subject after another refused to accept that characterization, insisting that the beings were real, the place where they met the beings was real, and they did not reflect mere inner experiences in a Freudian or Jungian sense.
Dr. Strassman was also surprised when one person after another recounted experiences strangely reminiscent of alien abduction stories when receiving a high dose of DMT. Admittedly, Dr. Strassman was administering the DMT in a large hospital, where medical hardware was everywhere present, and bio-medical protocols required that he take blood draws, blood pressure readings, and even EEGs and MRIs of people tripping their brains out. Nevertheless, lots of people recorded experiences that involved detailed visualizations of large numbers of intelligent beings, often reptilian or automaton-like, tending huge machines in vast illuminated complexes, and performing examinations of the experimental subject. They often bonded with one of the strange beings and were regarded indifferently by the rest.
This reminded me of my friend Ernesto's DMT experience that he recently recounted. Depositing the DMT powder on a bed of dried pscyhotria viridis, which has a small amount of naturally occurring DMT in it, and putting another layer of psychotria viridis on top of the dust (to prevent it from bursting into flame) he applied a butane lighter flame and consumed the entire bowl in one breath. The effects were as fast as promised, and as he exhaled the white smoke, complex colored patterns appeared in the smoke-swirls. His entire psychosomatic system began to vibrate, from the inside out and from the outside in, and the only thing he could hear was a mantra, a single word repeated endlessly. This mantra seemed to protect him from disorganizing energy, keeping him collected around his center. He felt a bit of anxiety that the experience might get out of control, but it did not. With eyes open or closed, he saw colored patterns of an extremely complex geometric structure that gradually began to resemble reptilian structures such as scales and bones. After around five minutes, Ernesto got up from his seat and laid down under a blanket. There, for around the next 1-1/2 hours, he continued to experience a reptilian presence. This reptilian presence was somewhat disturbing to Ernesto, because of the conditioning we have against reptiles, but the reptile presence spoke to him gently, encouraging him to appreciate the reptilian history in his body, and its great strength and resilience. The reptilian spirit told him that it was a source of his strength, that he needed in order to succeed as a living being. Ernesto accepted this understanding, and gradually dealt with the tension between conditioned repulsion and wholesome self-acceptance. He saw images of primitive spears, the extensions of reptilian talons and claws. In days following, Ernesto's strength and resolve in the course of ordinary life seemed strengthened and smoothly directed. A few nights later, he advised, he had brief DMT-like colored visions in his dreams. He stated that the experience had not been anywhere near as frightening as common stories had caused him to expect, and if given the opportunity, he would try another DMT voyage.
According to his grant proposal, Dr. Strassman was not supposed to be giving therapy, but leading people through the inner world always requires the intuitive skills of a healer. He never knew when one of his experimental subjects would experience a terrifying upheaval. One poor fellow, a happy raver-type with charming looks and a light-hearted attitude, who had consumed lots of MDMA (ecstasy) in recreational settings, suffered a nightmare ordeal on a high-dose trip. The drug kicked in, his feet convulsed in a kicking motion, and he remained rigid for ten minutes. Then he opened his eyes, sat up, and declared that he had just been raped anally by two crocodiles who sat on his chest and immobilized him so completely that he was unable to sit up or reach out for a comforting hand. As he put it, when the experience began he thought it was a dream but "then realized it was really happening." Of course, with the time distortion effect added in, this was a monolithic exercise in agony. Interestingly, this subject considered the experience fundamentally beneficial, in that it increased his appreciation for ordinary life. He cut down on his ecstasy-taking in trivial social interactions, moved in with his girlfriend, and assumed a quiet lifestyle.
Whether covered with contrived nonchalance, or with a veneer of spiritual sophistication, the soft underbelly of the human psyche is quickly exposed by this substance. A woman who prepared for her session by flipping through the New Yorker had an extremely miserable trip on a very low dose and accepted no further injections. A modern-day shaman named Carlos kept trying to explain away his high anxiety before each administration of the drug, which induced violent shaking notwithstanding his profession that his first dose was nothing much. Eventually he had a full death experience that he considered fully valid spiritually, but wished he had been with friends out in the mountains when it took place. But some of the most enthusiastic were unable to continue. In certain cases, DMT high-doses induce huge spikes in blood pressure, in one case so severe Dr. Strassman was ready to call the cardiac team, and diagnosed the slight headache that the subject felt after the trip as the result of extreme vaso-dilation in the large blood vessels that enter the base of the skull. But the experimenter was pleased with the experience, and notwithstanding his disability, wished to take further trips. Though he was not permitted by Strassman, the subject remained grateful and considered it a very important experience that confirmed the rightness of his spiritual direction.
Under the guise of trying to determine whether DMT administration develops a tolerance in the user, Dr. Strassman developed a protocol of four high-dose injections approximately one hour apart. These doses were .3 mg./kg., not the highest dose but plenty psychedelic. Dr. Strassman said that everyone who was given the opportunity persevered through all four doses, a moderately exhausting experience.
First, the answer to the tolerance question -- DMT does not build up a tolerance, and each successive dose was just as powerful as the first. What changed was the character of the experience, which seems to profit from familiarity. The first high dose trip is the shocker, when people don't know what they are going to see and aren't sure they like seeing it. The second and third trips grow increasingly familiar. And by the fourth trip, many people felt cleaned out, healed and freed of persistent anxiety. One young woman in her early twenties who professed a lesbian orientation and was highly attractive to people of both sexes, had a persistent pain in her belly. She had been raped repeatedly by her step-father at sixteen. During her four sessions, she met the beings on the other side, whom she called the elves, and discharged the pain in her midsection, which she connected with the rapes. She valued the experience very highly and felt that she would now enjoy her life a great deal more.
In addition to the powerful psychedelic effects, which caused people to blurt out things like, "Here we go!" and "They were on me quick," DMT releases large amounts of vasopressin, prolactin, growth hormone, and corticotropin, all of which may have psychological effects. During the drug effect, pupil diameter doubled within two minutes, and body temperature would rise. Dr. Strassman's theory that the pineal gland may produce DMT seems unsupported by the information in the book, but it is an intriguing theory, an explanation for why this organ, centrally located in the brain, contains so many of the precursor substances that create DMT.
Reasons for joining the experiment were the expected -- people wanted new experiences, wanted to understand the nature of their own existence and God, and wanted to deepen their understanding of life. Interestingly, many of them found a bit of what they were looking for, or at least thought they had. Dr. Strassman himself became increasingly uncertain as he looked for concrete changes in behavior, beyond expostulations of enthusiasm. From my point of view, Dr. Strassman may have been looking too hard in the wrong places. When it comes to judging how we are doing, it's hard to say that anyone knows better than we ourselves.
After years of doing the work, Dr. Strassman indeed was getting tired. One can imagine the stress of responding to the heightened mental states and emotional reactions of sensitive people questing for self knowledge. Then his wife got cancer and they moved to Canada to be closer to her relatives. Dr. Strassman started commuting to Albuquerque from Canada every couple of months, jamming in as many psychedelic sessions as possible. The fatigue took a further toll.
As I mentioned, Dr. Strassman is a long-time practicing Zen Buddhist, and like many Buddhists, had talked with other Buddhists about how LSD had led them into the search for enlightenment. He had a number of friends, long-time students in an unnamed Zen Buddhist organization that we could possibly identify by connecting the dots: the group is based in the midwest, the teacher died recently, the head of the organization is now a woman, and the organization chooses its leaders by election. It is a large group. Also, they are a bunch of assholes.
How do we know they are assholes? Because they dumped shit all over poor Dr. Strassman when he needed it the least. He had shared his thoughts about his work, and his hopes and aspirations to connect the spiritual path with psychedelic methods, disclosing deep thoughts to a person he thought was his spiritual counselor. Within the DMT sessions themselves, he incorporated attitudes of modeling equanimity and projecting compassion, Buddhist attitudes that helped subjects to benefit from the experience. Additionally, he selected for the experiment numbers of persons who had experience with psychedelic drugs and meditation, believing that they were best adapted to deal with the jarring effects of the experience. For all this respect and the place of honor that Dr. Strassman accorded Buddhism in his life and work, he was rewarded with the most arrogant, presumptuous declaration of insult that I have heard delivered from a Buddhist source in recent years. His former Buddhist pals derided his work with DMT as "not right livelihood," and denounced his plan to administer psychedelics to the terminally ill as an "appallingly dangerous" effort to "play God." With the full confidence of having reached enlightenment themselves, they decreed: "An attempt to induce enlightenment experiences by chemical means can never, will never, succeed. What it will do is badly confuse people and result in serious consequences for you."
This pronouncement certainly confused Dr. Strassman, who until then had been receiving encouragement from his old stoner pals who had put on Buddhist robes. He realized that there was a succession struggle going on within the Zen group, because the old abbot was dying, and "senior monks were lobbying for elected posts," each vying for the position of "most zealous defender of the teaching."
Then Dr. Strassman really stuck his foot in it. He published an article in Tricycle, Fall 1996, calling for "a discussion of integrating psychedelics into Buddhist practice." As Dr. Strassman put it, the "article sealed my fate ... my lifelong affiliation with the order would implicate it as contributing to these new ideas." In order to distance the Zen group from Dr. Strassman's vile heresy, his erstwhile friend, a nun who had been elected new chief poobah, "sent copies of the Tricycle article to members of my new meditation group as well as to other groups and the monastery [including] scribbled comments" Dr. Strassman had made during their private conversations. She also "wrote to the local congregation telling them not to enter my house because there might be psychedelic drugs kept in it." (This reminds me of James Thurber's mother-in-law's fear that electricity might leak out of the sockets and electrocute you. It also reminds me of Timothy Leary's statement that LSD is a substance well-known to cause insanity in those who have not taken it.) This betrayal by his old spiritual comrades was apparently the last nail in the DMT experiment's coffin. Says Dr. Strassman, "Although I could see beyond the hypocrisy that motivated much of the monastery's repudiation of my work, it took its toll." Shortly thereafter, he wrote closing summaries on all of his projects, packed up his drugs and mailed them to a secure facility near Washington, D.C., where "the supplies of DMT, psilocybin, and LSD remain ... to this day." Probably right next to the Ark of the Covenant, left there by Indiana Jones. |
Obama, The Postmodern Coup -- Making of a Manchurian Candidate, by Webster Griffin Tarpley, at The Ralph Nader LibraryDID BRZEZINSKI RECRUIT OBAMA IN 1981-83? As for Carter, he became a virtual pariah after leaving office, taking no part whatsoever in the 1984 Democratic national convention or in the campaign of his former Vice President Walter Mondale. He seemed to retreat into the argument that the United States had become ungovernable during his time in office, and that there was nothing that he could have done differently. As for Brzezinski, he went back to Columbia University and by all indications busied himself with the recruitment of a stable of new Manchurian candidates on the Carter model to be deployed farther down the line, in a total political and economic crisis which Samuel Huntington was then predicting for the years between 2010 and 2030. Among the bright young men on the make that Brzezinski began to draw into his orbit at this time was, in all probability, the youthful Barack Obama, who had transferred to Columbia University in 1981, and who graduated in 1983 with a degree in political science, a specialization in international relations, and a thesis topic involving Soviet nuclear disarmament -- a topic that represented Brzezinski's personal area of interest as the boss of the Columbia Institute for Communist Affairs. CARTER AS HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL PESSIMIST In an essay entitled "Jimmy Carter and the Post-New Deal Presidency," the new deal scholar William E. Leuchtenburg cites an important line from Carter's inaugural address of January 1977: "we have learned that 'more' is not necessarily better, that even our great nation has its recognized limits." Leuchtenburg then goes on to quote the following comment by Carter in his later memoirs: "Watching the sea of approving faces [on Inauguration Day], I wondered how few of the happy celebrants would agree with my words if they analyzed them closely. At the time, it was not possible even for me to imagine the limits we would have to face. In some ways, dealing with limits would become the subliminal theme of the next four years and affect the outcome of the 1980 election." Carter evidently knew well enough right at the outset that he had hoodwinked the American people. Leuchtenburg quotes a remark by Michael Malbin that "Americans remain a people of the Enlightenment who find it hard to accept the postmodern (or ancient) view of a world of limited possibilities." In other words, a presidency founded on historical and cultural pessimism, most notably in the form of Malthusian austerity, is unlikely to be accepted by Americans, and leads to failure and ungovernability. Despite indications of ideological decadence and moral senility in the American people around the turn of the 21st century, it is very likely that the tendency to reject historical and cultural pessimism remains surprisingly strong, and could emerge powerfully under conditions of crisis. A resurgence of scientific optimism and activist government is precisely what synthetic candidates like Carter and Obama have been designed to sabotage. Leuchtenburg cites a reporter who summed up the conclusion of the Carter presidency by remarking: "He preached to us constantly about sacrifice and limitations, which none of us wanted to hear." The tremendous demoralization and despair associated with the Carter presidency opened the door for the right-wing reactionary Ronald Reagan, who went to the White House wearing a mask of sunny optimism. Leuchtenburg quotes the comment of one scholar that "whatever Reagan did, many Americans felt, would be better than the handwringing, sermons, and demands for sacrifice of the last four years." One former Carter official summed up his boss's message in the following terms: "in order to be a good American ... You've got to drive cars you don't like ... And turn up the thermostat in the summer and down in the winter. You're a pig, you've been using too much energy all your life and you've got to change." (Leuchtenburg 22-23) CARTER AND THE DEMOCRATS' RETREAT FROM THE NEW DEAL The Carter presidency inaugurated a retreat from the heritage of the Franklin D. Roosevelt New Deal which has been disastrous for the Democratic Party. It was under Carter that the great U-turn in American life, from rising standards of living to falling standards of living, became evident and institutionalized. From the Carter era onwards, American living standards have been in a process of precipitous decline, down to the current level of barely a third of the Eisenhower-Kennedy norm. When Walter Mondale ran for president in 1984, he began including trade unions and teachers' unions among the sinister interest groups whose influence in Washington had to be contained, as if they were big oil or big pharmaceuticals -- he was carrying on the same process. When Michael Dukakis in 1988 said that the main issue in the election was competence and not ideology, this was another coded repudiation of the Roosevelt tradition. Dukakis ostentatiously refused to offer any promise of increased federal spending to fight poverty. Bill Clinton declared that the era of big government was over, embraced free trade sellouts, and abolished the welfare system, abandoning millions of poor children to a grim fate. These wretched policies could never take the place of FDR's New Deal, JFK's New Frontier, and LBJ's Great Society. A FITTING MONUMENT TO CARTER: A BOTTOMLESS PIT After the Carter administration had left Washington, the prominent trade unionist William R. Winpisinger of the International Association of Machinists was asked for his evaluation of Carter's place in history. He replied: ''as presidents go, he was on a par with Calvin Coolidge. I consider his abilities mediocre, his actions pusillanimous, and his administration a calamity for America's working people. Since an obelisk soaring 555 feet into the air symbolizes the nation's admiration and respect for George Washington, it would seem the only fitting memorial for Jimmy Carter would be a bottomless pit." (Leuchtenburg 17)
CHANT FOR CEREMONY TO CALL THE OLD ONES: Through strange angles are the Gates
Through which my ancient Lord may come,
Come forth, and increase in all your strength!
The very curves of space shall break and be undone
And open to your kind who move in primal serenity
And dwell forever between space and beyond time. In a mindless, black abyssal sea
A Crawling Chaos howls in Eternal Night.
Break the Barrier of Light, I set you free!
All will be stricken, as if blind,
By this One Whose Being can not be.
Black Lord of Chaos come unfold.
From this innermost infinity As One Whose Eye Sees All as was and is
Come forth and rend the Veils that ALL may see.
Through the angles of the planes, come forth! I call you, Master and Creator, who brings me to your aid
At your dread Name the very Hounds Tind'losi shake.
Before whom Hell itself stands utterly abashed,
And the Earth's ephemeral foundation quakes.
I call you, Soul of the Fatal Five, whose points the pentacle do make;
Abyssal Night you are, and seven is your step.
I rejoice, I mock, I praise your Name -
Cosmocrator and Messenger: Great Soul Nyarlathotep Open the Gates! YGNAII THOTH! OPEN THE GATES!
A religious practice which takes place in the context of this level of coercion has less religious value than one the recipient engages in voluntarily. Even more significantly, it poses a greater threat to society to have coerced religious practices inflicted on its citizens.
Church practices conducted in a coercive environment are not qualified to be voluntary religious practices entitled to first amendment religious freedom guarantees....We hold that the state has a compelling interest in allowing its citizens to recover for serious emotional injuries they suffer through religious practices they are coerced into accepting.
*** The above was from an adverse Court finding against Scientology. How can it apply with any less force to the far more dangerous evil of Islam?
Report of the Board of Enquiry Into Scientology, by Kevin Victor Anderson, Q.C.
'There are some features of Scientology which are so ludicrous that there may be a tendency to regard Scientology as silly and its practitioners as harmless cranks. To do so would be gravely to misunderstand the tenor of the Board's conclusions. This Report should be read, it is submitted, with these prefatory observations constantly in mind. Scientology is evil; its techniques evil; its practice a serious threat to the community, medically, morally and socially; and its adherents sadly deluded and often mentally ill.'
One could word replace Scientology with almost any other -ology, religion, social movement, fanbase for a genre TV show or indeed the "sciences" of cosmology or climate change.
Again Conway sought to reply, but could not, till at length a vivid lightning flash paled the shadows and stirred him to exclaim: "The storm . . . this storm you talked of. . . ."
"It will be such a one, my son, as the world has not seen before. There will be no safety by arms, no help from authority, no answer in science. It will rage till every flower of culture is trampled, and all human things are leveled in a vast chaos. Such was my vision when Napoleon was still a name unknown; and I see it now, more clearly with each hour. Do you say I am mistaken?"
Conway answered: "No, I think you may be right. A similar crash came once before, and then there were the Dark Ages lasting five hundred years."
"The parallel is not quite exact. For those Dark Ages were not really so very dark -- they were full of flickering lanterns, and even if the light had gone out of Europe altogether, there were other rays, literally from China to Peru, at which it could have been rekindled. But the Dark Ages that are to come will cover the whole world in a single pall; there will be neither escape nor sanctuary, save such as are too secret to be found or too humble to be noticed. And Shangri-La may hope to be both of these. The airman bearing loads of death to the great cities will not pass our way, and if by chance he should, he may not consider us worth a bomb."
"And you think all this will come in my time?"
"I believe that you will live through the storm. And after, through the long age of desolation, you may still live, growing older and wiser and more patient. You will conserve the fragrance of our history and add to it the touch of your own mind. You will welcome the stranger, and teach him the rule of age and wisdom; and one of these strangers, it may be, will succeed you when you are yourself very old. Beyond that, my vision weakens, but I see, at a great distance, a new world stirring in the ruins, stirring clumsily but in hopefulness, seeking its lost and legendary treasures. And they will all be here, my son, hidden behind the mountains in the valley of Blue Moon, preserved as by miracle for a new Renaissance. . . ."
To those of good heart and purpose - all the blessings of the season!
To those of evil heart and purpose - may the God of Vengeance in Blood repay you seven times over for your evil works, even as He blesses and keeps His faithful
The Late, Great Kerry Thornley Revisited
On Nov 28, 1998, one of the truly original figures to emerge from the American landscape, Kerry Wendell Thornley, died after a long illness. Unfortunately, Thornley's passing went totally unnoticed by the mainstream press, though his death--in my opinion--was just as significant as the recent demises of such counterculture icons as Ginsberg, Burroughs, Leary, and Castaneda.
Shortly after Thornley's death, I synchronistically stumbled across a two part interview that my buddy Matt Lutz published in his zine Working Class Hero a couple years ago, and thought it a good time to bring this wonderful piece back before the general fringe public, in memoriam to our fallen comrade, the father of Discordianism, and inspiration for Shea and Wilson's Illuminatus Trilogy. My thanks to Matt for granting permission use it here. According to Matt, the new issue of Working Class Hero will be available in January '99. Copies are $2.00 ppd. from: Matt Lutz, 418 Peninsula Drive, Lot 5, Erie, PA 16505. Included in this issue are articles by Paul Rydeen, Mae Brussell and some joker named Adam Gorightly, plus an interview with Linda Thompson. --Adam Gorightly
 W.C.H.: You were friends with Lee Harvey Oswald in the service, and you wrote a book about this. What was your inspiration for the book? K.T.: His defection to the Soviet Union. I was writing a novel about my experience in the military. When Oswald deserted, I pretty much understood why. At the time I was feeling pretty anti-American myself and in retrospect I realized I didn't know shit. But back then I felt I knew exactly why he did this. W.C.H.: What, do you feel, made him want to defect? K.T.: I thought he was disgusted with the way we (the military) behaved overseas. They think they are "concrete heroes". A generation after the war when they go to Japan, they still feel like they are concrete heroes. They're very loud, very belligerent. W.C.H.: The "Ugly American Syndrome"? K.T.: Right. I read THE UGLY AMERICAN the summer after Oswald defected and it was partly an inspiration for my IDLE WARRIORS. That's why my book seems so disjointed, because I felt I didn't need any unity or continuity. I just wanted to tell a bunch of different stories. W.C.H.: When you were stationed with Oswald, did he express to you what he felt an ideal marine corp life would be like before the reality of the situation hit him? K.T.: No, my guess was that he had come from a marine corp family. I also sensed he was disillusioned by the fucked up morale situation in the Far East. My main character was a third generation marine. As it turned out, I was pretty close; his older brother was in the service. For Lee it was a matter of being too gung ho in the beginning, in my opinion, and later becoming disheartened because things were nowhere near perfect. They were below zero. (laughs) W.H.C.: Yes...I can understand that, I'm a vet myself. Was Lee Harvey Oswald a loner? K.T.: He seemed to enjoy solitude. He didn't reach out to form friendships. But I didn't pay much attention to it at the time. When I was younger, I was pretty shy myself, so it wasn't anything hard for me to understand, or anything puzzling to me. W.C.H.: So he was reluctant towards active participation? K.T.: It seemed that way to me...I hate to reinforce anything The Warren Commission ever said, including the idea that he was a loner. But nevertheless, when you got too close he pulled away. You saw my testimony about how he spoke for the last time. I didn't actually say: "...comes the revolution"; I said something so unbearably silly that I didn't even want to tell the Commission what it was. (laughs) We were sitting there looking at this parking lot with gravel on it, and I was thinking in terms of "1984", because I was reading it at the time. Oswald loaned me his copy. So I said something about the revolutionary gravel, and Lee turned to me and said, "Not you, too, Thornley?!", then got up and walked away. W.C.H.: Like he was pissed? K.T.: Yes, he was quite pissed about it! To me it was a perfectly harmless statement and at the time I felt he thought I was "Red Baiting" him. If I'd known that he was going to become one of histories most interesting individuals, I would have corrected his impression. (laughs) W.C.H.: Well, he had been in numerous misdemeanors or misconduct. K.T.: Lee was extremely rebellious. W.C.H.: Vying for attention possibly? K.T.: Look, he was a C.I.D. agent. There's no possibility he was anything else. He was working for military intelligence; he was trying to identify communists in the outfit by pretending to be a communist. I'm sure of it. W.C.H.: Which outfit? C.I.D. or C.I.A.? K.T.: No they call them C.I.D. outfits; he went into the C.I.A. later...I don't know what C.I.D. stands for. W.C.H.: Aaaahh...Central Intelligence Of Defense, I believe. K.T.: Yeah, probably. W.C.H.: I was in the Ç N.S.A. for several years. K.T.: If you want to hear a hair raising story about that period in the marines... W.C.H.: Love to. K.T.: David Bucknell was in that outfit. He contacted me in 1978. And asked me if I remembered an incident that involved myself, him and Oswald. I told him I didn't remember the whole incident, except for certain highlights. All right...Bucknell made notes about this incident the next day. Oswald, Bucknell and I were called on the PA system to go into the administration office of our radar outfit on the perimeter of the base. We did, and they sent us over to base security. On our way over there Bucknell and Oswald were talking to one another and I was lagging behind about 20 feet. I caught up with them and said something. Oswald looked at me and said, "Thornley, this is a private conversation." I said, "Oh well, excuse me," dropped back and let them finish their talk. Bucknell told me what was going on was that he and Oswald were running a loan sharking operation. Bucknell was afraid that that's what the security inquiry was about and Oswald was arguing saying, "No, then why would I be involved?" We went into a room with a bunch of guys from other outfits and a captain got up and introduced this man in civilian clothes, a latin looking guy with a "DA" haircut. The captain only gave his name as "Mr. B". Mr. B said, "We've called you all together, because we understand that you're all admirers of Fidel Castro." This was right after the Cuban revolution, before Castro came out as a Marxist. They said we have reason to believe Soviet Agents have infiltrated Castro's government, and we want volunteers to help get rid to them. Then they interviewed us one at a time. Now as best I've been able to figure out, what I think probably happened is that they found out I was about to go overseas and I didn't qualify for the training program. As for Bucknell, he said he went in and talked to Mr. B privately and they filled out a little form first. A security clearance form. One thing he had to do was list 3 references. One of them he listed was a maternal grandfather of his, whose first initials were "E.H." and last name happened to be Hunt. However, Mr. B said: Who's this? Bucknell told him and Mr. B chuckled to himself. Whoever he was, he knew Howard Hunt...Now, when I went over to Atsugi afterwards, Howard Hunt was there at the same base. He was with the C.I.A. at the time. Of course, I didn't find this out until years later when I read his autobiography, so it appears to me that if Oswald was in Military Intelligence already, he was recruited at that meeting. There also was one guy in that outfit named "Delgato" and he was a fan of Castro. I remember this part too, I remember being surprised that he wasn't there. So I went back to the outfit and I said to Delgato, "I'm surprised that they didn't want to talk to you." He said,"Kerry, I think Castro's turning communist." And I said. "Oh, all right." He thought everyone was a communist; he thought Oswald was a communist. None of the rest of us took him seriously, you know? So that's the hottest piece of information I've come across about that period in the marine corp. David Bucknell, I don't know where he is, the last I heard he was living in San Francisco. There's a guy who's living in San Jose by the name of Bottello. He's a judge now. He was in the same outfit. Bucknell was going to get the three of us together. Bottello wasn't with us that day, but we were all going to get together, anyway. Bottello later told one of my friends that he didn't remember Bucknell. However, I remember Bucknell vividly ! I e Éven remember his nickname; they called him "Bucky Beaver". I'm sure Bucknell was telling the truth. W.C.H.: So, do you think that there's any connection between the Gary Powers incident and... K.T.: Oh yeah! Very possibly. Powers said something to that effect. The U-2 used to take off and land at Atsugi all the time, and we didn't know what it was. We were told "not to even think about it," unless we wanted to get our asses in a sling. I thought it was an experimental aircraft. The U-2 incident occurred while we were over there. W.C.H.: Do you think Oswald was set up from day one? K.T.: Sure he was! I think they were out to set up one of us. I had a whole lot of talks with a guy I now feel was Howard Hunt. Ever since Watergate I've been ranting and raving about this everywhere, getting very few people to pay any attention to it. When I was in New Orleans after I got out of the service, I met a man who looked exactly like Howard Hunt, except he was bald. And he told me his name was Gary Kirsten and claimed he was a Nazi and had come from a family of Nazi's in the Mid-West. He talked at great length about assassinating Kennedy...I just thought: this guy's nuts, you know? But, his idea of reality was very different from mine...As it turned out, mine was very naive! (laughs) The last thing he ever said about Kennedy--2 weeks prior to the assassination--was, "The only remaining question is, who to frame?" I said, "Why do you have to frame somebody?" "People need answers". His idea was to frame a "jail bird". I said, "Why do you want to frame a jail bird?" "Because criminals who are so stupid as to get caught, shouldn't be allowed to breed. They should be locked up, so they can't produce offspring." So I said: "I don't think you should frame a jailbird," and he asked, "Who should I frame?" And he knew what I was going to say, 'cause he was smirking so hard he couldn't look me in the eye. I said, "Why don't you frame some communist." He was setting me up. He knew then that he was going to kill J.F.K. Because one of the first things he ever said to me was, J.F.K. was a menace to the country and ought to be assassinated. Since I was into "AYN RAND" at the time--very right wing and very anti J.F.K.--I agreed with him, and we shook hands on it. My only problem was, I didn't find him very credible. What he was probably hoping for is that I would name Gary Kirsten to the Warren Commission. And that way, if they insisted Oswald had an accomplice, they would accuse this alleged Nazi from the Mid-West, who in reality was probably a KGB agent or something. I'm certain though it was Hunt or someone that looked like him--to thoroughly confuse the issue. W.C.H.: And the final payoff was the continuation of The Vietnam War? K.T.: Yes. His thing was, he didn't want a war with Cuba, because Castro was a "White Man". And he felt if there was to be another war against communism, it should be against an Asian country. W.C.H.: Who felt this? Johnson? K.T.: No, Hunt. W.C.H.: E. Howard Hunt? K.T.: Yes. W.C.H.: I didn't think he had that much clout. K.T.: I think he's an enormously powerful man. He had other people with him like Charles Cabell, John Connally. W.C.H.: Kennedy had a lot of enemies, especially after the attempt to dissolve the C.I.A., and the plans to pull out of Vietnam. K.T.: Well, according to Oliver Stone...I think what Stone left out was the Nazi angle. W.C.H.: Nazi angle? K.T.: Right. In the movie, "Mr. X" was Fletcher Prouty. Prouty is buddy buddy with Willis Carto. Carto is a raving anti-semitic who publishes the SPOTLIGHT. He also publishes some of Mark Lane's stuff and the C.I.A. renegade, Marchetti...That's the one thing that Stone did not touch upon. Mike Paine--husband of Ruth Paine, with whom Marina Oswald lived with in Sept. '63--was working for a Nazi at the time at Bell aircraft, General Walter Dornberger. There were all these ex-Nazis over here. According to Mae Brussell, there was a goddammed "WEREWOLF TEAM", a Nazi commando team. Known members of the famous Nazi werewolf commandos were in Dallas two weeks before the assassination. George DeMohrenschildt's wife admitted--when he died--that he had been a Nazi agent during World War II. W.C.H.: Who do you think actually killed Kennedy? K.T.: I think basically it was General Gehlen's organization, which I don't think really had an actual name to it...Gehlen defected to the Allies when the war was over and entered the U.S. Army without a reduction in rank. He was given a monopoly on the intelligence area about the Soviet Union. But he never did tell the C.I.A. who was in that outfit. (Editor's note: The Gehlen organization became the West German Federal Intelligence Agency (FIA) after his defection. During the war, Gehlen had been a member of the German General staff unde µr Hitler and was in charge of wartime intelligence for Foreign Armies East. He had been recruited into the C.I.A. by then Bonn Station Chief, Henry Pleasants. Gehlen employed many former SS and Wehsmacht intelligence officers. Gehlen's organization was not officially part of the West German government until July of '55. Three of those former Germans e mployed by Gehlen, hence C.I.A., were Heinz Felfe, Hans Clemens, and Erin Tiebel. They actually conducted espionage against West Germany for over ten years and were arrested, tried, and convicted in July of '63.) W.C.H.: Do you think they continued on with Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X? K.T.: The guy I talked to in New Orleans always said that they were going to get Martin Luther King. As for Bobby Kennedy, I don't know. There's one common thread that runs through all this stuff and that's an organization that was organized shortly after Kennedy's death and that Ô was the PROCESS CHURCH. W.C.H.: I'm familiar with that. K.T.: They had tried to frame me in New Orleans for something I didn't do, which had been my actual participation in the assassination, which I didn't realize until later. They were involved in Kennedy's death somehow, I believe. That might be the link right there. W.C.H.: They seemed to almost be a Manson like cult. K.T.: Some of them were. Some of them were with Papa Doc Devallier, some were with Trudeau, (laughs) I forget the other name...but there were three questions to find out whether you were a Satanist, a Luciferian, and a Jehovist. The Satanist answer was Papa Doc; the Luciferian answer was Trudeau. So their politics were quite varied. W.C.H.: It seems like the church was involved in the conspiracy. K.T.: It's like fate, the conspiracy. There were Nazi breeding experiments which I think Oswald and myself may have been products of. W.C.H.: Similar to the C.I.A. mind control experiments? K.T.: That was involved also, but it was a little more complicated than that. The North Koreans had some enormously sophisticated mind control technology. As it turns out members of North and South Korea's government were part of the Japanese (column?). During the war, they were getting this technology from the Japanese, it was stuff the Germans developed unbeknownst to American Intelligence. I believe I was being mind controlled by them even before I went into the military. Then the C.I.A. got a hold of me up until the Kennedy assassination. W.C.H.: Controlled in what manner? K.T.: Well, it's spooky; very hard to believe. W.C.H.: Like the Russian E.S.P. experiments? K.T.: Very strange. They could influence my choice of words, so that it would sound like I was speaking in intelligence code. Things that I didn't realize even existed. And I think back on arguments I had with my parents, and I remember how "freaked out" they were at the time. It was like, all of a sudden one day I started speaking these double entendre sentences. Like a type of "cant" language. W.C.H.: Like doublespeak? K.T.: Yeah, exactly! Precisely! And my parents thought I was a "genius" (laughs) of some kind, to have figured all of this out by myself. Then later on they deduced I was being mind controlled. Also Dulles went nuts trying to figure out how the Koreans got ahold of such sophisticated techniques. Then when I got into the marines, I think Delgado at Yale planted something in my head at that point. I believe one of the purposes of the Kennedy assassination was to get those of us who had been torn out of the clutches of the Japanese by the C.I.A., back into the hands of the Japanese. (laughs) W.C.H.: I've seen your name mentioned in Robert Anton Wilson's COSMIC TRIGGER I and... K.T.: Everything nice Robert Anton Wilson says about me is a lie! (laughing) Especially in COSMIC TRIGGER. He was just trying to sniff out impersonators that way. W.C.H.: Are you still in contact with him? K.T.: He stopped speaking to me in 1976. W.C.H.: What about Greg Hill and Bob Shea? K.T.: I've never actually held more than a 15 second conversation with Bob Shea years ago when he was publisher of "CAVALIER", before I met Wilson. Also, Shea stopped corresponding with me around the same time I lost track of Robert Anton Wilson. They both became very strange as far as I was concerned. Greg Hill and I were in contact up until my appearance on "A Current Affair". I called him up and told him I was going to be on the show and asked if they would let them interview him. He was very pleased to hear from me, but he didn't want anything to do with Current Affair. He felt that they were "Yellow Journalists". I told him that I've been ranting and raving since 1975 about being involved with the Kennedy assassination and I haven't been able to get this stuff in front of the American public. I'm not in a position to be choosy about how I get my information across. W.C.H.: Have you read any of Wilson's other work? K.T.: Just THE ILLUMINATUS TRILOGY and COSMIC TRIGGER I. He changed a lot in the early 70's and sort of lost me. He was very much into politics and individualist Anarchism, Tucker Spooner, Lawrence Lapperty and all that. He converted me to a lot of their ideas. I found him a very exciting person, very knowledgeable about psychology. Then he got into magic and everything and just lost me. W.C.H.: Right. I bought COSMIC TRIGGER II, thinking it would be a continuation of the first COSMIC TRIGGER and it was completely different. K.T.: Wilson has gone to great lengths to avoid me, including telling Greg Hill that he didn't want me to know where he was living. W.C.H.: I think he's in L.A. K.T.: He just got really strange on me every time I'd bring up the Kennedy hit. Why, I don't know. W.C.H.: That sucks. Anyway, there were a couple other things I wanted to ask you...Have you heard about Bill Cooper? K.T.: Yeah. W.C.H.: Have you read his book? K.T.: No, I listened to a tape of his. He doesn't sound like a very convincing person. He's entirely misinterpreting facts. W.C.H.: He seems to have patched together a number of different sources. K.T.: Well, we all have to do that (laughing) when we write. W.C.H.: He's been accusing everyone of being a C.I.A. plant. K.T.: I know why that happens. I went through a phase of that also. There are a lot of people in the Intelligence Community and there are a lot of people, without realizing it, are working for the Intelligence Community because they're connected with organizations like the Rosicrucians and The Masons and so forth. It's very compartmentalized and they all think their working together and each group thinks they're serving that group. So it's very easy to get the idea you're surrounded by C.I.A. agents, when in fact there are agents of many, many powers. (laughs) W.C.H.: So then you think The Illuminati and Bilderbergers are real organizations? K.T.: Undoubtedly! Yeah, I have to deal with these people all the time. There's been some kind of misunderstanding between me and them that has been deliberately cultivated by the KKK. They're Aleister Crowley people--probably not Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati--but its inspired by similar ideas. W.C.H.: There have been all kinds of claims about this group, fiction or otherwise. One of the claims involves satanism. K.T.: There's a lot of satanism, because within the Catholic Church you're going to have somebody into satanism. Then you can blackmail them in the church, control them. And use them as spies within the church. So a lot of so-called "satanism" serves a purpose. It's not that people actually believe in a "devil", per se. They can be atheists and still be a satanist. Shell Oil Company is deeply involved with present day illuminati. They're not particularly into Central Ba Önking; the original conspiracy was supposed to be a conspiracy of bankers and revolutionaries. W.C.H.: Like the Rockefellers? K.T.: The impression I get is that these Illuminati are monetary federalists. They're against central banking. W.C.H.: So then what's their game plan? K.T.: To make the whole world look like the U.S.; turn it all into a Gringo Planet. (laughs) W.C.H.: A McDonalds and Burger King on every corner? I see Coke is pretty pissed off that they can't open up shop in Vietnam. K.T.: Shell Oil Co. has all kinds of property in Vietnam. I had a friend over there during the war and he said he saw Shell Co. property everywhere he went. W.C.H.: I read a review of your book IDLE WARRIORS in "Anarchy", and I'm not sure if it was a direct quote from you or not, but the inference was that the Kennedy hit was a starting point to set the "New World Order" scenario into motion? K.T.: I don't remember seeing that in the review myself; I read it, also. I can tell that guy had only read one or two chapters in the book. I can't say for sure which chapters. He didn't read the intro section; he probably read the chapter: "At Comocura", maybe one or two others. He was just faking it, basically. W.C.H.: Really? I thought it was a good review. K.T.: It was a nice review. W.C.H.: What's the thrust of your books? K.T.: All different types of things. In 1964 I wrote a book about Oswald, which I tried to explain why I thought he shot J.F.K., a non-fiction book. It was published by "New Classics House". I'm not all that proud of it, because at the time I accepted the Lone Assassin Theory", because conspiracy theories to me smacked of McCarthyism. I wanted to be an intellectually respectable right winger, not a McCarthyite. After that I wrote the IDLE WARRIORS and that was published in 1991. That same publisher (Illuminet) also put out my ZENARCHY. It basically popularizes the ideas of the beat era. W.C.H.: Getting back to the ü Korean mind control experiments: Did you ever think you were just really paranoid? K.T.: Oh yeah! I spent years fearing paranoia so much that I wouldn't look at the stuff at all, you know? That's why I testified the way I did at The Warren Commission, because I didn't want to look like a paranoid. I didn't even mention the guy who discussed killing Kennedy for 3 years in New Orleans. Evidently they thought I was covering up for him, or they thought that I thought I was covering up. (laughing) I was very impressed by the "Caine Mutiny" and all that stuff. I found people I thought were paranoid very entertaining and I went to great lengths to avoid actions that might be considered paranoid. W.C.H.: A little bit of paranoia's healthy. K.T.: Paranoia is heightened awareness, actually. A lot of paranoids are confused as to who's persecuting them, not that they aren't being persecuted. Claude Steiner, (a radical therapist) said that most people are persecuted beyond their wildest dreams. (laughs) W.C.H.: Are you still right wing? K.T.: No, I'm a raving left wing anarchist. I've been that way since 1969. Wilson converted me to a far left, anarchical point of view. W.C.H.: Given that stance, what do you think about Clinton? K.T.: He's a crypto republican. I think Nixon assassinated all the liberals in this country. A friend of mine read an article that said Nixon has assassinated 400 of his political enemies since he left office. Nixon and Hunt found out that the C.I.A. bureaucrats would sign anything that was in their "in" box without reading it, because they trusted their underlings that put the stuff there. They created their own government that way. And so on paper it all looks perfectly legal. One of the things they did was to pick certain people and said that they were assets to national security and anyone who tried to kill them could be legally killed themselves. And they used us to provoke âenemies of Nixon to try and kill us. But they were killed instead. I was one of the people used for those methods. W.C.H.: Bill Cooper touches on that a little bit. K.T.: Hunt, Hoover and General Gehlen were at the core of the assassination. I think they also tricked Charles DeGaulle into participating, by convincing DeGaulle that Kennedy was trying to kill him. W.C.H.: We just saw a lecture by a guy called Jim Marrs. Are you familiar with him? K.T.: I looked through his book. W.C.H.: His lecture was very convincing. He came across as real down to earth, a "good ole boy" kind of guy, being from Texas and all. His contention was that a french assassin killed J.F.K. K.T.: Frenchie they called him, yeah. I think that was William Seamore. He was an anti Castro activist at the time. I met John Stockwell (he's a renegade C.I.A. agent) when Oliver Stone interviewed me. He said that the Corsican Mafia and the French Intelligence are synonymous. There's been numerous articles indicating and linking the Corsican Mafia with the Kennedy assassination. I believe Hunt was posing as a C.I.A. agent named Maurice Brooks Gatlin Sr., who was supposed to be a legal advisor to Guy Bannister. He went over to France and gave a lot of money to some French generals who were plotting to kill DeGaulle. And they arranged for DeGaulle to be tipped off about the alleged hit. So DeGaulle thought Kennedy, through the C.I.A., was trying to kill him. So DeGaulle and The Corsican Mafia really muddied the waters, so to speak. It left all kind of evidence laying around that didn't point to Nixon, Hunt or Gehlen. WCH: How or why do you think so many people allegedly got involved in the Kennedy hit? KT: The guy I called "Brother-In-Law" (aka Gary Kirsten)--who I thought was Howard Hunt, that I talked to about assassinating J.F.K.--told me that he was going to talk to everybody in the country who wanted Kennedy dead. He also said to me, he thought it would be a good idea to involve a whole lot of people, who all thought they were working on other projects. WCH: The Triangulation of Fire Theory? KT: A maximum complicity crime. In other words, if everyone--the CIA, FBI, French or Corsican Mafia, the KGB, the Cubans--thought they were the only ones sitting around with Howard Hunt talking about killing Kennedy, then they'd all think they did it. This was the opposite approach I wanted to use, which was to use as few people as possible and to tell as few people as possible. It seemed very impractical the way he (Hunt) wanted to do it, to me at the time. I didn't understand that he was a goddamm CIA trained assassin who knew exactly how to pull these things off and how to pull off a political coup. WCH: How feasible, do you think it is, that the possibility of a "New World Order" scenario will happen? KT: I think...I'm not sure how you pronounce her name, Stephanie Caruana? The woman who wrote THE GEMSTONE FILES. I met her at Phenomicon. Everybody there was talking about, well, what are the plans of the New World Order, The Ideology of the Illuminati and so forth. Stephanie said, "Don't be so naive! These people don't have any ideology!" She said people with power want to keep their power and they use any ideology at hand for purposes of accumulating power. And I think that's exactly what it is. I don't think they have any particular plan for this, that or the other thing. When they take over, that's all they want to do, period. WCH: In the Cooper book BEHOLD A PALE HORSE, there's a chapter called "Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars" which is a sort of preconditioning for a one world government. The "Mark Of The Beast" and all that. KT: Well, the thing is they've got pretty much what they want already. A central banking system, where if someone wants to borrow money they have to pay the bankers interest for doing virtually nothing. When in fact they can issue their own money on their own collateral or their own credit. Basically, they're milking everybody for all they're worth, the poor, the middle class, even the rich to some degree. It's just a matter of them consolidating their own gains, I think. WCH: Getting back to Clinton: Do you think he's screwed--or in the process of screwing up--the Democratic party for another 12 years? KT: He sounds just like George Bush to me. He hasn't said anything that Bush wouldn't have said. He's been as vacillating and unprincipled as Bush, besides. WCH: I think he has lied more than Bush. KT: Probably so (laughs). It's really discouraging. It's really in the hands of the Rockefellers, as far as I can tell. Clinton's a Rockefeller man. Bush was a Rockefeller man. Perot's a Rockefeller man... WCH: And Carter? KT: Carter's undoubtedly a Rockefeller man, although personally I liked Carter. He's the only president I have liked, for that matter. WCH: Right. You, me and about 10 other people--maybe Tip O'Neal. KT: I had very high respect for the man, because he restrained himself so much over the hostage situation, which is where he lost everybody else. He was the first Democrat that didn't get us in a war. I'm very proud of him for that. Be that as it may, it didn't impress anybody else (laughs). WCH: If Clinton blows it for the Democrats, who do you think will be the front runner in '96? KT: I'm an Anarchist. To me, whoever wins, we all lose (laughs). People are so far from understanding Clinton. Man, we s houldn't be worrying about paying off the deficit, we should be canceling the National Debt and demanding reparations from bankers. (laughs) And shooting Reagan for creating such a huge deficit to begin with, putting him before a firing squad, you know? To my way of thinking, Clinton doesn't even mention anything about the banks, about the role the banks create. There's a book called THE ILLUMINATI CONSPIRACY by Donald Holmes. Read the introduction by Robert Anton Wilson if you want my view of the whole banking situation. To me, Clinton's just a pawn of the bankers, who pretty much rule the world. WCH: The bankers being...? KT: Not the Jewish bankers; the Templar anti-semitic bankers; the German bankers. WCH: i.e. The Bilderbergers? KT: Them, too. They're just some of the richest people in the world. A lot of those (German) bankers are members of the Bilderbergers. See there's a lot of bankers in Germany who proudly proclaim to be directly descended from the Templars, because the Templars were the first Christians who were allowed to practice banking and the Pope gave them a special dispensation. I believe they originated anti-semitism. They spread the ideas that Jews were stingy and so forth. WCH: Like the "Elders Of Zion", that type of thing? KT: Yeah! In fact the "Elders Of Zion" is supposed to be the minutes of a Templar meeting that were doctored to look like...they think they are the original Jews; they think that Europeans are the lost tribes of Israel. And they dug up some stuff on the temple mound and they thought they had recreated the original religion that preceded modern Judaism and Christianity...I think in this c ountry it's mostly the Rockefellers, the Warburgs, the Helphands. In my opinion, the Templar bankers financed both Bolshevism & Nazism and are now financing laissez-faire capitalism. Because with every laissez-faire capitalist institute you will find some revisionist historian and the revisionist historians say there was no holocaust, all of this stuff. If you read AMERICAN SWASTIKA by Charles Highams or Sandor A. Diamonds book HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN NAZI MOVEMENT, you'll find that this was the German propaganda line during the war. These days it seems laissez-faire capitalism is gaining a lot of support. WCH: It just seems ironic in light of the rise of the neo-nazis in Germany and all of the white supremacists around the states, that lot of kids today don't study or could care less about recent history. So when they hear this revisionist bullshit, they believe it. KT: Oh yeah, a lot of the "Nation Of Islam" people believe it, too. It's really scary, but then again look at Israel, how reactionary they are. I think Zionism might be a Nazi plot. It's very easy for Jews and Germans to pass themselves off as each other in the post war confusion. WCH: How do you see the "Christian Right" as playing a role in the '96 election. KT: I really don't speculate about elections that much. I don't think they make that much difference. I try not to predict the future. Cone Bendid (sp?) in his book OBSOLETE COMMUNISM speaking about the Ô68 student uprising in France said he was attending the commune meetings, the ad-hoc communes that had come together as the government was being paralyzed by the strikes. He said, you could tell they weren't ready to rule themselves because instead of talking about what they were going to do, they were saying, what's going to happen to us? To me, it's like, that's not a very fruitful area of speculation, worrying about what's going to happen. Whatever you predict, it almost never happens that way. WCH: The only reason I say that, is growing up in the '50's & the '60's, the Cold War and all of that. It seems to me that lately there has been a definite conservative shift, or pendulum swing to the far right. KT: I feel there's been a goddamm "war" on Cold War liberals, which involves both the extreme left & right. And in some ways, rightly so. I can see why the Communists were unhappy about the Cold War liberals and why the right wing was unhappy with them, also. Although I can see the liberals viewpoint. In the late '50's/early '60's, there were a lot of people who were totally liberal except for the fact that they hated Communists, because they didn't want to be accused of being Communist. And they went out of their way to be anti-Communist. J.F.K. was one of those "types". And I think probably Oswald. That's partially what I think the Kennedy assassination was; war on those types of liberals. WCH: That you feel is still going on today? KT: Oh yeah! I feel they've pretty much won by now. "Brother-In-Law" used to say the Nazis won WWII. I'm beginning to think he was right (laughs). WCH: What I'm referring to is, oh say, the popularity of someone like Rush Limbaugh. KT: The country's in a very strong right wing mood. It was surprising that Clinton got elected. WCH: I was amazed! KT: There's no doubt we're living in very reactionary times. WCH: Now that you're on the subject of right and left extremism, it's almost turned into a sort of "Civil War"! KT: That's very interesting! Because I was told that George De Mohrenschildt & his wife were KGB agents and by the time of the Kennedy assassination that Kruschev was trying to stir up a civil war in the U.S. And you've got everybody in this country arguing about who's straight or who's gay. WCH: Right, all of these petty distractions from the real issues. And that's what Kennedy seemed to address, the real issues. KT: Well in that respect, yes, but even he was appointing racist southern judges and federal judgeships up until the time he was assassinated. He was not a raving radical. He was a very pragmatic man. WCH: Pragmatic, i.e. political. He knew which side hi ïs bread was buttered on. It just seems there is a type of Civil War going on and who's going to win? KT: I don't think anyone wins a war. WCH: I consider myself an anarchist, definitely leftist. Do you think there's any hope for the left? KT: Well, I like to think there is, but I've become--in the process of dealing with the Kennedy assassination over the last 17 years--extremely cynical. Someone accused me the other day of being "a little" cynical. I said I'm not a little cynical, (laughs) I'm overwhelmingly cynical! The thing about anarchism is that it's so logical that once people understand what it is, they can usually convert to it. But until such time as anarchists take over a major media network or something, then--and only then--will there be any type of anarchist society. The other thing that worries me is the ecology. It seems to me that possibly I've misspent my life politically with all this anarchism because...the ocean for example is extremely delicate. If it ever stagnates, if the seas ever stagnate, which they very well may, that's going to be the end of human life on this planet. WCH: That's what bugs me so much about the right. They really don't give a shit about ecological concerns. With those clowns it's money/power/industry--the ecosystem be dammed! We need jobs, now! KT: There will probably be some enormous ecological disaster that will destroy all life on the planet before any anarchist uprising. I used to be extremely optimistic. I thought when the ILLUMINATUS TRILOGY was published that there would immediately be an anarchist revolution. (laughs) WCH: Did you see the bombing of The World Trade Center? KT: I heard about it. WCH: That was leading into my question about synchronicities. KT: Well, you know with The World Trade Center, that's the same Bloomfield/Shaw...All those people were tied into the Defense Industrial Security Command...All that Torbitt manuscript stuff. I thought that was an interesting choice of targets. WCH: Right. It just struck me as funny. Now terrorism is starting to hit our shores. KT: Well, it has off and on from time to time. Hijacking airplanes to Cuba used to go on all the time. WCH: There was a long shot of the Trade Center on CNN, and in the upper left corner of the shot on the building was the #23. I saw that and my jaw hit the floor. KT: (Maniacal laughter) WCH: After I'd read COSMIC TRIGGER I for the second time, I started seeing 23's all over the goddammed place. I'm still seeing them to this day. And I get all these weird little synchronicities all the time, like driving over here tonight. There was this car in front of me with a mason plate on it. Does that happen to you a lot? KT: Oh, yeah. Keep one thing in mind: If you decide 23 is a significant number, you're going to notice it every time it appears somewhere. There are two clandestine communication networks in the U.S. One of them is one the Japanese created during the war, which was a camouflaged German propaganda network. The other one is the Masons; they communicate the same way. A lot of cryptic symbolism, numbers and so forth. WCH: I still think my "seeing" the 23's is some kind of subconscious mind trick. KT: I have a friend who does the same thing with the number 22 (laughs). But one night I went to St. Petersburg to borrow a copy of BRAVE NEW WORLD from an assassination buff named Helen Hartman in 1969. I got home and there was a letter from Robert Anton Wilson. There was a certain passage from BRAVE NEW WORLD that I wanted to quote...about he was trying to free people, and they wanted to lynch him...basically about the slave mentality. Anyway, Wilson's letter was about the #23 and Burroughs, Capt. Clark and so on. I turned to the copy of BRAVE NEW WORLD to search for the chapter I wanted and it was on page 23, and the scene took place in the Park Lane Hospital! That was the same hospital they took Kennedy to & it rhymes with Mark Lane (laughs). I just flipped, it was very spooky. WCH: Do you still have those types of synchronicities? KT: Oh, all the time. Sometimes it's obviously things that couldn't possibly be anything but coincidences. I used to assume that stuff was coincidence; now I assume that it isn't, until proven otherwise. In some book I was reading, they were talking about intelligence agents and they said: Officers in intelligence are very wary of coincidence because they're usually not near as many coincidences as people have been led to believe. In fact many people, myself included, believe Jung was a raving Nazi--not a Hitler Nazi, but a raving Nazi, nonetheless. Dulles--when he was in Switzerland, striking up a deal with the S.S., trying to negotiate a secret separate peace--his principle assistant was Mary Bancroft, who was in therapy with Carl Jung. Jung's theory was: The chief problem with Nazism was the father in the German family. The authoritarianism was the problem because Germans were so male patriarch oriented. Basically, the idea was if Nazism was a matriarch it wouldn't have been so bad. I read a lot about Dulles before I came up with this idea and I mentioned it to John Stockwell, who was friends with Dulles. He said, "Kerry, that's exactly what happened, exactly!" Anyway, Jung had been accused many times of being a Nazi, plus he was the one who came up with the theory of synchronicity. Let me say something else about the #23. The code book that the Nazi's used during World War II was MEIN KAMPF. After the war, because they needed protection from the U.S. government, ex-Nazi's began to work for Communist countries, particularly North Korea, especially when we were at war with North Korea, because they were very used to working for the enemy, including my own parents. At some point they began using the "Little Red Book". All right...five was the number this guy named "Brother-In-Law" talked about. He said it was a very important number. That's why I made it the sacred number of The Discordian Society. Five in the "Little Red Book" means we must work with non party people within the intelligence community. There are three kinds of people who believe in working with non party people. One of them are the page nine people; these are people who believe history is driven forward by its contradictions and therefore they are double agents. George De Mohrenschildt and his wife are in vol. 9 of the 26 volumes. Nine signifies the middle of the roaders. Page 17 of Mao is: Reactionaries will make a last ditch effort. 17 signifies the type of page 5 people who want to work against the Communist party. And 23 says the Communist party is young & full of vigor. So 17, 9, 5 and 23 --before I ever realized this--are numbers that were being bandied about between me, Shea and Wilson. I think that was somebody's little lesson to show how the intelligence community was processing people. WCH: Since I've been aware of the #23, I still don't fully believe it's all a mind trick. KT: Well, nowadays it's become a fad to graffiti the #23 all over the place. WCH: I see it in underground magazines a lot. KT: Oh, yeah. Wilson has a lot of readers (laughs). WCH: Bill Cooper was calling him a CIA plant. KT: I have heard that he's a member of the Illuminati.I have heard that the "real" R.A.W. was assassinated by Gerald Ford's agents and replaced by a double. I've heard all kinds of stories like that. It's very possible that any one of those are true. I've heard that he was a Nazi all along. He's a very brilliant man, whatever he is. WCH: That sounds like a disinformation campaign directed at him by rivals possibly. KT: He's a very mysterious person. WCH: When you were still conversing with him, was he a pretty regular guy? KT: No, not at all!...What do you mean by that? To me a regular guy is somebody who's a conformist. He was very much a non conformist. He had a rather macabre sense of humor. He was just a brilliant anarchist and could explain to me what Laurence Lapperty didn't like about central banking and what Phurdome (sp?) didn't like about land monopoly. And he helped weed out all the irrationalities of "Ayn Rand". WCH: Did you like him on a personal basis? KT: I only met him once. That was down in Tampa in 1969. I liked him enormously. He radiated a very relaxed, very sensual...aaahhh... WCH: Persona? KT: Yeah, and he was very hip. He had taken acid many times by then. He seemed very unarmored in the Reichian sense. You could almost feel the sexual energy coming out of him. He had enormous sympathetic eyes, which at the time I found very reassuring, until I read the appendix in THE ILLUMINATUS TRILOGY where he was talking about making human sacrifices and identifying with the victim (laughs). WCH: I've read that he's in so many churches, covens... KT: He believes in being as many things as you can be and joining as many secret societies as possible. WCH: Then at times he seems to downplay all this conspiracy stuff as if he's trying to throw people off the track. KT: Well, yeah. He enjoys playing mind games. He eventually got me so fuckin' paranoid about him, by 1975--when I was trying to find out about all of these matters--he would write me, ever so often, and ask: "Are you getting paranoid about me yet? Because I know I say some pretty weird things in my letters to you." However, it was becoming increasingly hard not to (laughs). WCH: Do you miss being in contact with him? KT: Oh, hell yeah! He taught me half of everything that I now know. WCH: That's what I was getting at. It seems like you two have so much in common that he would still be in touch with you. KT: He was here (Atlanta) at Phenomicon a couple years ago and I had low blood pressure, because I still had my kidney condition and I couldn't stand on my feet without getting dizzy, so I couldn't go see him. But I wrote him a letter right afterwards; he never answered it, so fuck it! And that's the other thing I'm suspicious about: He has gone out of his way not to see me in person, all this time. Howard Hughes was that way and Oglesby thinks he was killed and replaced with a double. So I don't know. I think it's very possible he's not the same guy I knew back in the sixties. WCH: Do you mean in a physical sense or a mental sense? KT: I believe Gerald Ford killed him and replaced him with a double, at least that's what I was told. I didn't know whether or not to believe it at the time. WCH: It sounds almost too far fetched to believe. KT: Well evidently the ILLUMINATUS TRILOGY revealed a bunch of information which sabotaged the plans Lyndon Johnson had made to create a welfare state. A lot of people were pissed at him including a lot of left wing people. I didn't realize this until recently, so I don't know--it could have happened. I wish all of this stuff didn't sound so far out, because I know you're trying very hard to be credible with your audience. But that is why they get away with so fucking much. Did you see that movie RUBY? WCH: No. KT: Well, in there, Jack Ruby is dealing with a CIA agent who acts likes the comedian George Gobbels more than anybody else (laughs). And later on in the movie, Ruby is talking with one of his gangster friends and says, ÒYou know, I've figured out what the CIA's scheme is: They act in such a kooky way, that if you tell someone about it, they wouldn't believe you. It's a form of camouflage. It really is! WCH: The further I delve into conspiracy work, invariably the strangest scenarios seem the most plausible. KT: The stuff I laughed at initially was the stuff I wound up believing later on. WCH: That's why the way out ideas and theories don't deter me from further research. KT: I know, but you've still got your readers, you've got blue collar readers who try to work within consensus reality. WCH: Not really. Most of the people that read this are very interested in this type of material. KT: And I haven't even touched on the stuff they do with technology that nobody even realizes exists because it didn't have any commercial value, so they used it for political purposes. WCH: Like What? KT: Wireless transmission of currents, things that Nikola Tesla invented. He was a good friend of J. P. Morgan and George Westinghouse. And I believe they created the "Miracle Of Fatima" in order to blackmail the Pope. It's amazing what they could do with that technology! A lot of the things people think is magic(k) is just a bunch of German scientists with this advanced technology that nobody realizes exists...J. P. Morgan was financing breeding experiments, as well. Look at it this way, they staged the "Miracle Of Fatima", which is all stuff Tesla could have done. Tesla used to have shows on weekends where he would run thousands of volts of electricity through himself, without being hurt. Then they'd get the Pope to certify "Fatima" was a miracle and afterwards reveal to the Pope it was man-made. So the Pope is proven to be fallible, then they can blackmail him. They want the Pope to keep his mouth shut about the Nazi's, he keeps his mouth shut! WCH: Do you ever read Mondo 2000? KT: Occasionally. WCH: In some of the recent issues, they'd been featuring a guy named Xandor Korzybski, who kind of goes along with what you're telling me. KT: There's another guy (Alfred Korzybski) I laughed at until I found out what he was talking about...Tesla could make lightning strike during a storm. He figured out a way to suspend the earth's gravity. He never actually did it, obviously, (laughs) but he did figure out how to. -END-