1. Military Intelligence Group (itself a CIA creature) unit is briefed on need for domestic hit on domestic terrorists, including attacking targets of opportunity.
2. Dates are set for potential action, whether based on known movements of the target or on a time and place the target will be manipulated into being present at.
3. As cover for MIG / CIA assassination operations, local "tribal" assets are hired to apparently carry out political homicide. In oversea locations the "tribal" assets might be local competitors of the target, literally a tribe or clan or similar primitive group. "Tribal" assets in the USA include KKK, mafia, Cubans, Somali, Iranians and Palestinians.
4. The target is surrounded as far as possible with infiltrators. If there is physical security, it's disabled. If the target is a structure and not a person, the structure is infiltrated and physical locations for demolition charges (NOT necessarily "controlled demolition", but definitely military demolition) are ascertained.
5. As has been the case since ancient times, the leader's greatest threat comes from his bodyguards. For an individual target, at least one of his bodyguards is a CIA asset. For a building target, its security force is coopted. This is made much easier by longstanding CIA / FBI infiltration of almost all security services, training schools and training centres.
6. Under J. Edgar Hoover the FBI's illegal domestic terror units would be involved. In more recent years it's sufficient to have covert CIA operatives who are also FBI employees act as "moles" to sabotage, disable or block attempts by honest FBI agents to stop any assassination plans they discover. It is therefore the whistleblowers who are persecuted and not the perpetrators. Perpetrators are promoted; whistleblowers are punished. Or killed.
7. Training exercises are implemented at the same time and on the same date as the planned assassination. The more the better. In the early 1960s this had not yet been enshrined so what occurred in the JFK and MLK hits was a pullback or reassignment of honest officers. In later training exercise cover operations as many honest officers and agents as possible are sucked into the training exercise so that there is total compartmentalisation and plausible deniability if anything is discovered. The training exercises also help confuse matters at the time of the assassination.
8. The "tribal" assassination plot is run, in every single case, using the following CIA manual attributes:
(a) doubles of the "patsy" [person to be publicly identified as the assassin] attract attention to themselves.
(b) doubles of "getaway vehicle" [to be publicly identified as the assassin's getaway vehicle] attract attention to themselves.
(c) the politics of the "patsy" are linked to whichever target for future imperialism is needed for the plotters.
(d) the real assassins shadow the "patsy" - for example a hit team was literally above the head of the actual assassin of MLK, and at the same time literally above the head of the patsy James Earl Ray.
(e) in a trick similar to the diversion of a stage magician, attention is focused on the fleeing patsy after the event. Remembering that the patsy is not even the assassin- has not even attempted to shoot anyone or blow anything up- the entire effort devoted to this patsy and the getaway vehicle is POINTLESS.
(f) at the same time that the diversion occurs, the real assassin(s) and the "tribal" assassin(s) make their own getaways. Sometimes this is caught on film, sometimes some of them are arrested- but none of this leads to exposure, prosecution or even usually any substantial evidence.
(g) the coopted media immediately (and sometimes even too soon, before events have occurred) begin endlessly repeating the script they have been given by the shadow government.
(h) any witness to the reality of what is occurred is silenced, preferably murdered. Murders are spaced out to provide deniability unless the need is urgent.
(i) the patsy's ID is found at the scene of one of their alleged crimes.
(j) total mystery surrounds the finances, travel and character of the patsy.
(k) the patsy's real politics, training and intelligence are wildly at variance with the media version.
(l) careful researchers will note one thing- the patsy is dead or unobtainable (or dead but allegedly alive) and therefore unable to defend themselves, contradict the media or provide an explanation for what occurred.
9. the "lone nut" or "terror cell" explanation for the assassination is the first version of the event used by the media lapdogs.
10. researchers digging deeper uncover the "tribal" conspiracy. For example mafia hit, MOSSAD plot, etc. This is as untrue as the lone nut or terror cell fantasy. However, because the "tribal" assets WERE hired, and WERE involved, this is deeper cover for the truth.
11. the truth, which is that a shadow government will happily murder its own men, women and child citizens, is so repugnant that some researchers emotionally reject it and ignore the overwhelming evidence that it is true.