Let's be perfectly, exquisitely clear as to where both the inspiration, and the expertise in relation to this difficult question of science and racial hygiene (as it was once called) comes from:
The Nazis defined a Jew as anyone who either 1) had three or four racially full Jewish grandparents, 2) belonged to a Jewish religious community or joined one after September 15 when the Nuremberg Laws came into force. Also regarded as Jews was anyone married to a Jew or the children of Jewish parents. This included illegitimate children of even the non-Jewish partner. There appears to have been no serious public objection to these laws.
The intent of these laws was to define a Jew so that the policies towards Jews and their property could be carried out without the confusion of who is a Jew and who is not. The Nuremberg Laws had the unexpected result of causing confusion and heated debate over who was a "full Jew." The Nazis then issued instructional charts to help distinguish Jews from Mischlinge (Germans of mixed race) and Aryans.
Source: http://www.wzaponline.com/WhowasaJewinNaziGermany.pdf
Unhappily, we have extended the mischlinge principle FURTHER THAN THE NAZIS DID.
That is some freaking achievement right there.