Saturday, March 31, 2012

Boy Tells Of Chaining By Cultists

Charles Manson and the Solar Lodge of the O.T.O.

In August 1969, Charles Manson's 'Family' committed their 'notorious' murders; at the same time the Solar Lodge was at the centre of a scandal. Here's a newspaper-clipping from the 'Washington Post' for October 31 1969:
    Boy Tells Of Chaining By Cultists
                  INDO, Calif, Oct. 30 (UPI)
                - Anthony Saul Gibbons, 6, sitting on a pillow
                on the witness stand so he could be seen, tes-
                tified Wednesday he was burned with matches and
                imprisoned in a packing crate at a desert com-
                mune for starting a fire.
                  The small boy was barely audible as he relatd
                the events that led to his being chained inside
                the sweltering box for 56 days during the sum-
                mer on the farm commune operated by a cult called
                Ordi Templar Orientialis.
                  Eleven members of the commune, including the
                child's mother, are on trial for felony child
                  Anthony, now a ward of the court, said his
                fingers were burned with matches after he started
                the fire which destroyed a house and injured a
                group of goats June 20.
                  He testified he was placed in the packing crate
                with his legs chained and let out only to do his
                  The boy was questioned repeatedly before he took
                the oath as Defence Attorney Keith Blazer attempted
                to establish if the boy knew what a lie was. The
                boy said he understood that he would be punished if
                he told a lie.
                  After Anthony testified, the prosecution rested
                its case.

Sounds like one of the news reports about the finders... How odd.
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