Clearly, if a person accepts the notion that all fictional movies and television shows of any consequence, produced in this country or Great Britain since 1930, are propaganda vehicles, then the X-Files is propagandizing about the true nature of the wanton war which is coming our way. Because of the alignment of the X-Files with the Fox Television Network and Rupert Murdoch's New York Post, it would seem obvious that this propaganda has its origins in the ranks of Faction Two. The representations which are made, again and again in the X-Files, implicate some part of the Central Intelligence Agency in co-operating with the aliens; but as in real life, the rosters of the factions are unclear.
The FBI is itself honeycombed with unsavory characters. Yet, if one accepts that the countervailing powers which have known of the New World Order for a long time, and which have mobilized many excellent propaganda attacks against it, are aligned with Faction Two, then the X-Files resides in the same category as "Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)." In both fictions, the key and heroic character is a physician. Dr. Miles Bennell, as played by Kevin McCarthy is the prototype of scientific modern man, while Dr. Dana Scully is the '90s version of heroic -- a confident and lovely young woman with a penetrating intellect of her own, a quick wit, and a doubting philosophy. She is transformed again and again in the X-Files, but she never loses her lustrous presence or her appeal to youngster and teen-age girls. Dr. Bennell is the '50s Man, fast-witted and handsome, confident, a cigarette smoker; Scully is the '90s Woman, rational, suspicious, arrogant, a non-smoker; each presents a model or a template which a target audience can latch on to, and relate to, and become instantly comfortable with.