During the last three years I have successfully communicated with UFO's ... flying saucers ... which, henceforth, I will call Si's (Saucer Intelligences). My absolute, undisputable proof of this lies in the fact that, prior to UFO, or Si, appearances and actions, I would write to various government agencies, scientists, and responsible people, and state that the Si's would appear, and/or when, and at times what they would do. Then, after it occurred and was written up in the newspapers, I would append the news clips to my letter, written some days or weeks before, and have a complete case of successful, proved communication with the Si's. In this book you will see signed, notarized statements from responsible people to the effect that I have done this. And in this book I will tell you, the reader, the secret of my communication with the saucer intelligences so that you, too, can try your hand at communicating with these remarkable, more-powerful-than-we, UFO Intelligences. Before we get into that, let me put some of my concrete proof in front of you, the reader, so that you can realize an almost unbelievable statement: that I am the only human being alive able to communicate, TWO WAYS, with the Si's, and prove it.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
During the last three years I have successfully communicated with UFO's ... flying saucers ... which, henceforth, I will call Si's (Saucer Intelligences). My absolute, undisputable proof of this lies in the fact that, prior to UFO, or Si, appearances and actions, I would write to various government agencies, scientists, and responsible people, and state that the Si's would appear, and/or when, and at times what they would do. Then, after it occurred and was written up in the newspapers, I would append the news clips to my letter, written some days or weeks before, and have a complete case of successful, proved communication with the Si's. In this book you will see signed, notarized statements from responsible people to the effect that I have done this. And in this book I will tell you, the reader, the secret of my communication with the saucer intelligences so that you, too, can try your hand at communicating with these remarkable, more-powerful-than-we, UFO Intelligences. Before we get into that, let me put some of my concrete proof in front of you, the reader, so that you can realize an almost unbelievable statement: that I am the only human being alive able to communicate, TWO WAYS, with the Si's, and prove it.
During the last three years I have successfully communicated with UFO's ... flying saucers ... which, henceforth, I will call Si's (Saucer Intelligences). My absolute, undisputable proof of this lies in the fact that, prior to UFO, or Si, appearances and actions, I would write to various government agencies, scientists, and responsible people, and state that the Si's would appear, and/or when, and at times what they would do. Then, after it occurred and was written up in the newspapers, I would append the news clips to my letter, written some days or weeks before, and have a complete case of successful, proved communication with the Si's. In this book you will see signed, notarized statements from responsible people to the effect that I have done this. And in this book I will tell you, the reader, the secret of my communication with the saucer intelligences so that you, too, can try your hand at communicating with these remarkable, more-powerful-than-we, UFO Intelligences. Before we get into that, let me put some of my concrete proof in front of you, the reader, so that you can realize an almost unbelievable statement: that I am the only human being alive able to communicate, TWO WAYS, with the Si's, and prove it.
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