Saturday, January 4, 2014

French Polar Chief slams SpiritofMawson fiasco « JoNova

French Polar Chief slams SpiritofMawson fiasco « JoNova

The saga of the Akademik Sholaskiy is a mere symptom of creative ways to waste money on immature, misguided self-aggrandizing adventure. Though as a PR stunt, skeptics could not possibly have come up with a better way to highlight the growing sea-ice around Antarctica that the models never predicted; nor to display the lack of pragmatic skill modern climate science has attained.

Given enough rope the poor intellectual standards, dismal ethics and lack of civic responsibility has inevitably exposed itself. But if the media had critiqued their irrational and self-serving behaviour over the last decade, a lot of public money could have been used on things that mattered.
It is a good development that sensible non-aligned commentators appreciate the enormous cost this ill-begotten mission is accruing. Perhaps they will be less likely to treat climate scientists as minor Gods in future.
One day, they might even ask them some tough questions.
(Note to Caldwell, after a long investigation there is no evidence at all, that the emails from East Anglia were stolen. Whistleblowers are protected by legislation in the UK, and the emails may well have been legally exposed, as FOIA claimed. Please write accurately…)
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