Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Guess who won an award for understanding Natural Phenomenon? « JoNova

Guess who won an award for understanding Natural Phenomenon? « JoNova

Chris Turney: beclowned.

But as a commenter said:

And here is the answer, the ABC, Fairfax and The Guardian couldn’t
possibly interview Professor Turkey as the leader of the SHIP of Fools.
But they’ll be all over the Winner of Frederick White Prize with no
mention of the tragic stupidity exhibited by this scientist.

It’s just a smoke screen to protect one of their own, and the GREEN
media will lap it up with more CAGW rubbish spewing forth at every
occasion. In 1993, Robyn was the first journalist elected as a Fellow
Member of the Australian Academy of Science. WTF.

They’ll wait for the ice to melt from The Ship of Fools story and
then he’ll be back in the spotlight. But we’re waiting for the Ice

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