Saturday, March 8, 2014

My Life in the Glow of The Outer Limits: Episode Spotlight: "The Invisibles" (2/03/1964)

My Life in the Glow of The Outer Limits: Episode Spotlight: "The Invisibles" (2/03/1964)

unassuming and anonymous men named Planetta, Castle and Spain are
recruited to join the Society of The Invisibles, a secret organization
conspiring to take over the US government --- and presumably the world
after that --- by exposing key government officials to parasitic
organisms which take over and control their actions. Each of them will
be assigned different targets in different cities. The men are
inoculated against accidental possession by the parasites, but Castle’s
inoculation fails, rendering him deformed and unable to move forward.

Spain and
Planetta are cleared for duty, however, and each are assigned separate
targets in different cities, with the explicit instructions that they
are not to contact one another (they’ve made a pact, however, to meet up
secretly after their respective targets are infected). Spain is
actually an undercover government operative investigating the
Invisibles, and plans to use Planetta as an unwitting contact point
between himself and his GIA (Government Intelligence Agency) superiors.
Spain’s assigned target is Senator Hilary Clarke in Washington D.C. He secures a job chauffeuring Clarke’s
wife thanks to Oliver Fair, an Invisibles agent posing as Clarke’s
aide. Just as Spain’s inoculation wears off, he’s shocked to discover
that Clarke is already a member of the Society, and that the parasite
he’s been hiding in his room is actually intended for him. He manages to sneak off, incurring a broken ankle in the process.

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