Nothing To See Here, Just Move Along!
Greater Drugchester Police Farce Assistant Chief Constable Steve Heywood acknowledged that officers could have dealt with the case "better than we did". But he denied that the girl's complaints had been "brushed under the carpet" because officers were reluctant to confront the issue of race."At the time we did what we thought was best," he said. "We have learned a lot of lessons. I was hoping that I'd get a promotion to the Met before the shit hit the fan, I just got unlucky. The issue here is genuinely about my pension rights. It just happens that they are Asian men. I'm sure it was just a co-incidence. In the same way it just happens that all the victims are little girls. Just another co-incidence. In no way did we sweep it under the carpet, we just ignored it totally."
Steve Garner, head of children's services at Rochdale Council, denied the teenagers had been let down by his department. "No," he said. "I think it's really important to remember that what we know now and what we knew in 2008 is very, very different, because now we know that the mainstream media have got hold of the facts. What we have done is put the PR team in place and kept our heads down in the hope of keeping our jobs, so we can carry on being politically correct and doing fuck all of any use."
Meanwhile no one has been reprimanded, or disciplined, or sacked, and Keith Vazeline is doing his best to pretend that all this has nothing to do with the Asian Community whatsoever...