. . .the Black Panthers issued a bounty on the head of George Zimmerman, and the President of the United States included himself into the equation with a bizarre declaration, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin.”
The same incompetant Attorney General who refuses to prosecute the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation in 2008 in Philadelphia, refuses to prosecute the same for what is essentially solicitation to kidnap.
On the other side of the puddle the capacity for a long, hot violent summer is unfolding; Occupy is present in London, of course, warming up for the London Olympics. This time last year, demonstrators were burning down houses in scenes reminiscent of the Blitz. The financial crisis on the continent has manifested street violence to the point where politics-as-usual in Italy and Greece has simply ceased to exist.
All of the aforementioned madness, coupled with modern cellphone tecnology capability to summon flashmobs via mass instant messaging . . . yub, gonna be a long, hot political summer coming up . . .