Father - Herge Andre Neslo;
Mother - Lucille Neslo nee Sullivan
Due to an as yet unexplained phenomenon JT Neslo has developed the ability to remember over 75 years of past history, by virtue of his apparent immortality- he has remained a teenager throughout that time and apparently those around him do not remember events that he seems to remember. He is thus apparently trapped within cycles of time where broadly similar events repeat endlessly to form a localised spacetime continuum or "continuity".
Known Power and Abilities:
JT Neslo has over seventy years worth of contacts in several areas including mystical champions, teenage heroes, pop culture icons (of varying eras) and talking animals.
Physical Training and Fighting Ability
JT Neslo has spent the equivalent of forty nonconsecutive years in varsity level athletic training including wrestling, boxing, gymnastics, swimming and track & field. He is a highly capable western-style brawler, possesses a professional boxer's equivalent knockout punch and is highly resilient in terms of physical injury.
Spatio-Temporal Immunity
JT Neslo periodically undergoes a "continuity reset", an event where his local universe and its history resets itself. He retains all memories of previous histories as well as being sensitive to the changes to history the reset causes. As a side-effect of the resets, JT Neslo does not age. For all intents and purposes he is immortal.