The Worlds of the Twin name is based on the concept that each wave particle in "our" "universe" has a phantom counterpart - a twin - in the ghost realm. As far back as 1980 I was writing stories where in addition to the prima materia physical world there was an anti-matter realm, a mirror realm and an i-squared realm- a realm whose "charge" is neither positive nor negative, and also not neutral- but rather its charge is i. It never really led anywhere in terms of story telling other than some interesting background effects.
The Worlds of the Twin also served the function of listing every known roleplaying adventure or campaign run by a Golden RPG gamemaster, wherever they were. We had good comms back then with the fans and so it was quite easy to get them to post their campaign or adventure, and have it assigned a designation.
The Worlds of the Twin eventually numbered a couple of hundred campaigns, on top of which were the extra parallels created for each campaign. Since the Twin listings are omniversal we also included, under suitable green umbrellas, other comicbook worlds, especially when they were the ones inspiring our mainly adolescent audience. We also added in the worlds of the novels of Jonathan Nolan, and will no doubt continue this approach now there are several authors.
The Worlds of the Twin will be back in a big way in 2011, and we're working on an anthology graphic novel of same. :)