None known but various possibly fictional relatives are referred to, usually during Tgirl Rex's fights.
Tgirl Rex, aka Lura High, is a transgendered female. After he initial surgery went catastrophically wrong, she underwent experimental treatments at the clinic of a mad scientist masquerading as a sexual reassignment specialist. In actuality the scientist proved to be the supervillain Doctor K.I.L.L., experimenting with hormonal and transgenic treatments to create superpowered criminals.
Lura was injected by Doctor K.I.L.L. with a mixture of sexual modification chemicals and dinosaur DNA. The resultant effects created Tgirl Rex - a 7'6" transexual with superpowers.
Although basically just looking for love, Tgirl Rex is not above stealing to supplement her lifestyle and so she is definitely a "villain". However, she sees herself as a cross between Han Solo and Princess Leia- a loveable rogue princess, not a murderous psychopath. That would be Doctor K.I.L.L.
Known Power and Abilities:
Resembling false nails, Tgirl Rex has naturally growing talons similar to those of a dinosaur predator species. The claws are far stronger than acrylic nails, and are able to shred wood and plastic and penetrate soft metals. Steel is too tough for the claws to cut through.
Tgirl Rex can scale walls, hang from the ceiling and scale sheer surfaces much like a gecko.
Saurian Battle Rage
When injured in combat there is a better than average chance that Tgirl Rex will be consumed with blood lust and become completely berzerk for the remaining duration of the battle.
Tgirl Rex resists physical damage to a far greater degree than a normal human. Small arms fire thuds into her skin and muscle leaving bruises. High powered rifles penetrate her body but do not prove immediately fatal. Cannon fire and high explosives have the capacity to kill Tgirl Rex.