Saturday, October 22, 2011

Looking at the cults of today - why it matters

In the final analysis, as I have said many times over the years, it doesn't matter if any of us share any of the mass delusions of the time.

What matters is that those delusions are shared by thousands, or even millions, of people. These are the seeds of what Jacques Vallee correctly identified as potential new religions.

What I think a lot of the chattering classes (those who don't in fact covertly follow some of these weird beliefs) ignore is how prevalent the new magical thinking and irrationality is. There is the pervasive white cultural cringe linked to the highly dangerous cult of the Magic Negro, there is the neo-pagan Gaia movement which underpins virtually all common cultural references to the environmental movement, there is the drug addict like behaviour of people who "follow" television shows. These are not isolated or unimportant phenomena. They are directly linked to the pandemic of induced autism and cognitive dissonance that has measurably made the task of continuing the advance of civilisation more difficult. Indeed, they have attacked with fury the very idea that sanitation, electricity and Western values are in any way superior to a short brutish life of parasite infestation, filthy squalor and barbaric customs. When looked at from that perspective one can see that over the last fifty years civiliation as it was once known has virtually declined to extinction, all in the name of moral relativism and correcting perceived unfairness- only to replace previous chauvinism with a new virulent strain that is nothing more than a disguised extinction agenda. And agenda of extinction for most of the human race. There is no other "rational" solution for the socialist-green mythology of harmful human presence on "Mother Earth".
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