If it is not the will of tribal Afghans to live this way can you tell me why is it the boatloads of illegal immigrants coming from Afghanistan and other patriarchal societies into Australia are mainly made up of young men? They seem willing to abandon their wives and female relatives to fend for
themselves in countries known for the brutal treatment of women.
Can you tell me why they don’t have the balls to stay and fight for the freedom you say they don’t have? Can you tell me why they don’t assimilate when they get here? Can you tell me why they agitate to change our country into the one they came from? Can you tell me why they think it is acceptable for clerics like Hilaly to label Australian women as “pieces of meat” inviting rape because of the way they dress?
Finally, can you tell me what are the consequences for Australia with Juliar Gillard’s open border policy? Think long and hard of what the results will be because you may find yourself living in the circumstances you are writing about.