'XXX' Explained - Olympics, Porn and The Proof
Today a new realisation hit me, with regard to the significance and true meaning behind the sequence of letters 'XXX'.
As most will be aware, 'XXX' permeates our lives in a multitude of ways:
* The London 2012 Olympic Games (XXX Olympiad)
* Pornography
* Kisses on a letter, e-mail or greetings card
* 'Britain's Got Talent' or 'America's Got Talent' TV Show (for the few who still watch TV!)
* In the cinema (xXx with Vin Diesel)
* A certain someone's birthday in 2012
Imagine for a moment, that when you've been showing respect, releasing emotion and energy to any of the above 'XXX' sequences, you have been feeding the biggest occult agenda known to man. An agenda which will bring about the spiritual ascen'sion' of the world under a 'false messiah' known as the 'Son Of God'.
Now imagine for a moment, it's all true...
The 'X' Olympics
It is my belief that the 2012 London Olympic Games (XXX Olympiad) are going to witness a pre-planned 'alien visitation' alongside the anointment of an 'end times' messiah.
Our focus here is the letter 'X', so let's take a look at two previous Olympic games:
XX Olympiad - The Munich Summer Olympics of 1972
To quote an earlier article of mine:
1972 Munich Olympics were host to the first 'official' global terrorist
attack, in which 11 Israelis were killed by Black September (the 9th month - 9/11), a group with ties to Yasser Arafat’s Fatah organization. The Olympics were host to 121 countries:
1234321 = 11:11 x 11:11
121 countries = 11:11
11 fatalities
1234321 = 11:11 x 11:11
121 countries = 11:11
11 fatalities
The emblem of the games was a blue solar logo (the "Bright Sun"). I will be covering the significance of the colour blue shortly.

X Olympiad - The Los Angeles (The Angels) Summer Olympics of 1932
1932 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the X Olympiad,
were celebrated in 1932 in Los Angeles, California, United States. No
other cities made a bid to host these Olympics. Held during the worldwide Great Depression, many nations and athletes were unable to pay for the trip to Los Angeles. Fewer than half the number of participants from the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam competed in 1932.
The Games of the X Olympiad were also the first to use the victory podium (that's right, a pyramid):
The Games of the X Olympiad were also the first to use the victory podium (that's right, a pyramid):

What does all of this mean?
As you can see, the X and XX Olympiads both witnessed remarkable world events, unrivalled by any other Olympic Games.
The 1932 games were held in the midst of the worldwide 'Great Depression', whilst the 1972 games gave a stage for the world's first dose of 'global terror'.
Does it seem so unrealistic, that the XXX Olympiad may have a surprise in store?
XXX - Unveiled
The letter X is more significant than you think.
First of all, you need to understand that the characters of the English alphabet are more than just letters. They are symbols with meaning, sometimes multiple meanings - much like the Egyptian hieroglyphs. They are talismans.
X is the 24th letter of the English alphabet. 2+4/2+4/2+4 = 666. XXX can be seen to represent the number of the beast.
The letter X originated from a letter in the Greek alphabet known as 'Chi'

'Chi' is the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet - that's 11:11 for any of you who've been following.
The Spirit Of X or 'Chi'
'Chi' or 'X' were the origins of the Chinese word 'Qi' meaning 'life force' or 'energy flow'. 'Chi' was also the origins of the Japanese word 'Ki', as in 'Reiki'. 'Chi' also features in 'Tai Chi'.
As you can see, the letter X or 'Chi' is very much about 'spirit'.
X - The Mother Goddess, Isis
"In Plato's Timaeus, it is explained that the two bands which form the soul of the world cross each other like the letter Χ."
Plato, an ancient Greek esoteric philosopher (important to remember, considering who we're dealing with) associates the letter X with the 'soul of the world'. 'Soul of the world' in Latin becomes 'Anima mundi'. Both of these terms are identified with 'Gaia'.
Gaia can be defined as:
"A complex entity involving the Earth's biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil; the totality constituting a feedback or cybernetic system which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on this planet."
Gaia is the 'Mother Goddess', who can be identified as Isis - the mother figure of the Egyptian trinity.
X - The 'Son Of God', Horus
"Chi or X is often used to abbreviate the name Christ, as in the holiday Christmas (Xmas)."
Jesus Christ, the 'Son Of God' can be attributed to the sun, much like Horus - the son figure of the Egyptian trinity.
X - The Father
"A person
normally has one pair of sex chromosomes in each cell. Females have two X
chromosomes, while males have one X and one Y chromosome."
A father has one X chromosome. The father can be identified with 'Our father who art in heaven' or Osiris - the father figure in the Egyptian trinity.
XXX - The Trinity
As you may have realised, this becomes all too easy now. XXX simply means the father, the son and the mother or should we say the trinity!
If you've listened to Rik Clays recent Red Ice Creations Radio interview, you'll already know that he believes the 2012 Olympic Games are going to witness the implementation of the 'trinity for a new age', and here you have it - encoded in the very letters of the games themselves.
To reiterate, X is far more than just a letter...
XXX and the occult
Imagine your body is a biological computer, and that your 5 senses are filters. If you were to remove these filters, you would be bombarded by an all engrossing white light - a whole array of different energies, which you cannot perceive under normal conditions.
When you show emotion to a symbol, an object, a person, your lover - you are generating frequencies of energy which cannot be perceived through your 5 senses.
Now imagine, that an 'intelligence' which resides outside of your 5 senses, in another dimension of reality perhaps, is capturing that energy for itself - for its own personal gain.
The occult operates in co-ordinance with this 'intelligence'.
The letters 'XXX' have been empowered as an occult symbol representing the trinity. If you have no awareness of the occult meaning behind 'XXX', and you go on to show it emotion, you are feeding this symbol with the energy (from outside of your 5 sense reality) that it desires.
You are feeding the trinity, or even closer - a trinity event, at the 2012 London Olympics.
'The truth is always hidden in plain sight'
So here you have it...
XXX pornography (single men around the world, giving away their every energy to the computer screen, the most potent energy of all!)
Here's Amsterdam's Coat Of Arms (a city founded upon its red light district) for good measure:

XXX the movie (shown in cinemas around the globe, designed to excite the audience.)
Britain's (America's) Got Talent - 3 judges (2 men, 1 woman - father, son and mother - the trinity) sat in front of a live TV audience, beaming into homes around the world via the televi'sion' set. Laughter, tears, panic, applause... a range of emotions feeding yet more energy unto the symbol 'XXX'.
And finally... something that we're all guilty of doing. We don't even know why we do it, only that it's drilled into us from a young age:
We all sign our greetings cards and emails with 'kiss kiss kiss' - 'XXX'. As previously mentioned, X originates from the Greek letter, 'Chi' which in Japanese is 'Ki'. The word 'Ki'ss can be broken down into 'Ki' or 'spirit' accompanied by SS. You could view this as two snakes, much like the structure of our DNA.
4 More Years And Counting...
'XXX' symbolises the trinity, much like the early Egyptian creation trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus.
We, the world, 'consciousness', have been feeding a 'trinity event', blissfully unaware for over a hundred years. I believe that this event is going to take place at the 2012 London Olympics, the XXX Olympiad.
So this leads to the question... who are the members of this 'new trinity'? Who plays Osiris, the role of 'Father'? Who plays Isis, the role of 'Mother'?
Who plays Horus, the 'Son', the 'end game' messiah for a 'New World Order Of The Ages'?
His birthday is on the 21st June, the summer solstice - the sun of the most high.
In the year 2012, he will be 30 years old = 'XXX'.
His name is Prince William....