There is one other thing to keep on the alert for. I have come across six different cases in six different parts of the country in which exceptionally bright children from fairly poor families were given tests in school which determined that these children were the brightest in their schools. These were children who also claim their family bad a great deal of psychic ability. These children were approached by someone claiming to represent the U.S. government. These representatives made an offer that the government would finance their kids' college education -- if the chhdren would sign an agreement that when they got out of college they would automatically go into government service. Not military service, but govennnent service. This seems to me to be a rather extraordinary program. The government does have programs to finance exceptional chddren with the agreement that the students will pay somehow after they get out of college -- but I am aware of no deal wherein the students would have to go into the government when they get out of college.
When I was in Washington I decided to get to the bottom of this thing. I was with the department of Health, Education, and Welfare. I nosed around, and no one has ever heard of such a thing. I've tried to keep in touch with these six contacted families, but now I have lost communications with all of them. I would like to find out what has happened to them -- or what will happen to them when their kids are out of school. This doesn't sound like something the CIA would go in for. They are interested in a certain psychological aspect of people, not intelligence. All these kids have psychic ability. There are a lot of kids with high IQs who have not been approached, so psychic ability must be a credential. Why do they single them out? Again I ask, as with so many aspects of this phenomenon, just what is really going on?