Tuesday, May 22, 2012

As Greece goes, so goes the world. Australia needs a Debt Commission too! The moment the socialist regime is destroyed, the Debt Commission should commence in Australia.

‘Cranky Extremists’ – The Bully-boy Chorus begins. | Golem XIV - Thoughts

 For those who may  not know what a Debt Commission is, it is a panel drawn from a wide range of groups within society who will analyze all the country’s debts, one by one, to see if they were taken on legally and for whose benefit.  Those taken on legally and for the good of those who are paying are deemed legally binding. Those which were done fraudulently or taken on to benefit those doing the deal, to the detriment of those left with the bill are considered Odious or worse and are torn up without further discussion.

A free people must have the right to change their mind or Democracy is dead.
And that is our present impasse. The banks and our present rulers have agreed between them that the decisions made, not just by elected leaders, but also those collosal decisions taken by unelected ‘experts’ at central banks and financial quangos, to print or borrow money in order to bail out the private banks and their private debts – decision made without any recourse to the people-expected-to-pay (the public) and often without even a public discussion, that those decisions should be legally binding and irreversably above the will of the people.

If we allow this then we have allowed a coup, as surely as if it had been carried out with tanks and soldiers rather than computer models and ‘experts’.
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