1. God is impersonal.
2. Christ is not Almighty God, but a good teacher.
3. Jesus is but one of many Christs.
4. Sin and evil do not exist.
5. Man should seek instruction from the spirit world.
6. All religious teachings are of merit, except those that are Christian and believe in absolute truth. Therefore the religious views of Egypt, Babylon, India and the Aztecs are held to be of value for us today.
7. Man can be a god.
1. God is PERSONAL, and as Andrew Klavan has demonstrated, anybody can take a simple test- pray each day for thirty days and see if a prayer is answered. The only requirement is that the prayer is genuine and made properly. Any atheist with free will and any sort of intellect can attempt this thirty day test emprically and scientifically. Oddly, virtually no atheist is prepared to honestly pray, even though according to their belief system the prayer must be pointless...
2. This New Age attack on the godhood of Jesus is particularly nonsensical. Jesus is "Christ" because "Christening" is annointing. The New Age devil cults attack not "Jesus" but "Christ"-- they are attacking the title not the man, which seems a subtle point but nevertheless-- only a demon or devil would care.
3. See 2.
4. To "sin" is to "fall short" of a spiritual goal. In one simple claim, this exposes all New Age beliefs as an unholy melange of Frankfurt School moral relativism and hypocrisy even in their own twaddle pseudo-spiritual terms. If evil doesn't exist, neither does good- a zen concept, but not what they mean. By stressing that evil doesn't exist what they really want to say is that "do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" - Aleister Crowley satanism redux.
5. demonic possession / UFO experiences for all! huzzah!
6. Christianity is singled out again. How odd. Although they have it in for Islam and Judaism too, don't worry. Also pride of place is given- just as in the EU conspiracy, all magic cults, all devil cults and all magical orders- to Ancient Egypt and Babylon. Like the One Ring in Lord of the Rings, the same evil force keeps resonating no matter the outer disguise.
7. Man can be a god- a message as old as Eden and as recent as Ashtar of the Star Command. But hold on- New Agers deny godhood to God... but somehow this nonexistent state of being is available to all humans? But... God is goodness, right? But there isn't any good or evil? So what kind of "God" would we end up being? The kind with horns and an upside down pentacle on its forehead perhaps?