(a) create moral, cultural and sexual relativism. If nothing can be definitive and if there is no objective scale with which to measure superiority, pap, crap, trash and subnormality will infest the dominant civilisation and destroy it from within.
(b) destroy maleness, ie remove the positivity, sexual distinctiveness, desire to kill, win and defend and the morality of the male sex. if possible through science literally blur maleness into femaleness or some monstrous blending of the two.
2. create a powerful albeit fictional enemy of an alien and parasitic religious, racial and cultural nature.
(a) jews having been used for this purpose in the nineteenth century with great success, replicate the jewish-socialist construct using another semitic subrace.
(b) islam having even more overtly negative traits than nineteenth century caricatures of judaism, insert large enclaves and ghettoes of islamics into totally alien and inappropriate settings- for example ancient crusader civilisations such as England and France.
(c) destroy social cohesion to insure that the naturally parasitic nature of primitives from backward countries will encourage them to infest and paralyse civilised functions such as law, politics and peaceful local life relying on mutual respect.
3. create an overarching alien warfighting enemy which, on paper, is roughly equal or preferably superior to western civilisation.
(a) China is perfect for this as just as in the cases of soviet russia and hitlerian germany, wall street money funnelled to China for America to borrow back not only creates a toxic feedback system it also creates enormous resentment in the rump civilisation of the USA.
4. engineer financial collapse.
5. encourage allegedly radical, but actually totally natural and understandable, nationalist and localist movements. All such movements of course are actually started or controlled by DIA / CIA / DISC / MI6.
6. Using the lapdog media aka the mighty wurlitzer, simply create false history on a daily basis by suppressing the truth and publishing lies.
(a) the unanticipated outbreak of the truth on the internet will require severe and ruthless permanent control. Simply creating controlled opposition is not enough; and there is no guarantee that a new monastic order will not spring up, an internet freemasonry which will communicate in secret truth that the controllers have destroyed or consigned to the memory holes.
7. co-opt the major Christian "brand", catholicism.
8. create famine.
9. create new plagues and release them.
10. in one final false flag event, preferably nuclear due to its shock value, kill no less than 10,000 people. Preferably, double the real casualty number of 911, and kill upwards of 28,000 people.
11. introduce the Rule of 10 based in the UN Building, New York, and begin making public the black stone meeting room at the UN, the real controllers, and the overtly Ba'Hai and Sufi like world religion using the approval of the last pope and the dalai lama. Naturally there will be revolt at this point; but it will be far, far too late.
12. Give the world the leader that the lapdog media tells us we are crying out for.
13. Watch all kings bend their knee in obeisance to this coming ruler.