Monday, June 25, 2012

UFO Disclosure: it will never happen.

I've recently read all the Richard Dolan oeuvre, and it is good reading.

Dolan's disquisitions have a dry but readable style, mildly ironic, but never reaching the depths of clumsy pedagoguery or indeed demagoguery that make the otherwise invaluable John Keel's works not only difficult to read but unreliable sources of information.

The central argument I must take issue with in relation to Dolan's writings though, is his baffling optimism about UFO Disclosure- note the capital D.

In truth, there will never be UFO disclosure. The reasons why not, as I see them, are set out below.

1. Despite some claims to the contrary, the UFO conspiracy / secret civilisation / back engineering crew / illuminati are clearly much weaker than some people believe.


(a) the behaviour of the secret group. Although there are commercial reasons for secrecy, the main reason to act in secret is because if one were to act openly one would be destroyed by an enemy vastly more powerful than your own group. For example the eighteenth suppression of the illuminati was virtually entirely successful, and but for a handful, a tiny handful, of survivors, not only would there have been no French and American revolutions, there would have been no "continuity of government" from the cabal of those days to the cabal of our own.

(b) the secret group reportedly spends 80% of its budget on secrecy. What this really means is that they are spending 80% of their budget on mind control and associated propaganda- lapdog media, chemtrail mind control, water-based mind control, food control and so on. If you spend 80% of your warfighting budget on something, it's because what your spending on is your real goal. In other words UFO goodies are just the latest in a long line of secret treasures the cabal has taken control over. There have been others in the past- epidemiology, demonology (if indeed there's any real difference between demonology and UFOs), fiat currency, maps, and many more.

(c) acting in secret and using mind control over the masses are activities of a SMALL group. The small size of the group is a direct reflection of its inability to use overt violent means to achieve its ends. When the secret group temporarily obtains mass force projection it pretty much immediately uses it- cf 1760-1812, 1841-1870, 1900-1955, 1965-1973, 1991-1995, 2001-present. However using powerful armies to make mass changes are only part of it.

2. UFO disclosure has been frustrated at every turn by immediate ruthless action including creation of controlled opposition, religions, apparent independent critics and of course executive action of a terminal nature. You don't do that and then disclose. Ever.

(a) example- the mafia, yakuza, vor y vor or any other ethnic organised crime group. They have NEVER voluntarily revealed ANYTHING about themselves and never will. Secrecy is an essential part of their business practices. Same with the UFO secret group.

3. Disclosure has for all intents and purposes and despite all of the above already happened, and despite those whistleblowers, investigators and insiders speaking, and in many cases being imprisoned, murdered, mind controlled or vanishing, which can only lend credibility to what they have said, there has been no breaking of the chains of media mind control in the general population. They Live, We Sleep.

4. Are there examples of previous UFO secret group type cabals (or earlier parts of the same one?) that never went through capital D Disclosure?

Yes. Yes, there are.

(a) example 1: Ancient Egypt. Everyone thinks they have a good idea of what Ancient Egypt was like, they think they know all sorts of things about it: pyramids were tombs, egyptians got better and better at making pyramids, egyptians had mummies everywhere, egyptians were mediterranean looking dudes with black hair, egyptians were totally preoccupied with life after death and magic, egyptians were dominated by priests, egyptians had all these crazy gods with animal heads.


egyptians took cocaine. no mean feat since it had to come all the way from south america.

egyptians were NOT obsessed with life after death, any more than we were.

egyptians did NOT imagine their gods to have animal heads. they in fact didn't have gods. what we now call their gods they called "wonder workers" or "bringers of wonder". the animal heads were symbolic, the same way we have sports team mascots.

egyptians did not have any priests. they had a university educated class called Scribes, or as we would call them, academics. This class of academics taught and mastered arts, sciences and philosophies as well as maintaining a 20,000 year history of Egypt.

We will never know what the ancient mysteries of Egypt really were, because they have never been revealed, and now never will be. However, it is clear that egyptians enjoyed electric light bulbs - there's no sign of smoke from torches in their deep underground passageways from earliest times as well as enjoying phenomenal architectural, engineering and astronomical skills as well as some incredibly advanced medicine- in their early period. All of this was lost the closer to today we journey.

The egyptians exported their culture and secret beliefs to greece and then rome, which is how we inherited chunks of them down to the demonbuilding secret societies of our nineteenth century. There has yet to be any meaningful revelation of any of that secret teaching, with the exception of Theosophy and the socialist and new age movements it spawned. And even then one gets the very strong impression that the meat of it is unwritten. Nod and wink stuff.

(b) Example 2: folk belief in fairies.

Despite strenuous efforts to record these beliefs in the early twentieth century these beliefs have been "lost" as the old people who believed them as a real faith "died out".

But this is actually not true at all. There is a vast body of living knowledge about fairies in ireland, which I know from first hand experience in my own family for example. Staunch catholics and protestants even, still preserving  significant folk tales, regional geographical based stories, and so on. The people holding the knowledged almost don't know what to do with it, but it's passed on in more or less semi-secret, deliberately circumvening busybodies, church know-alls and other troublemakers.

But the coup de grace example of a conspiracy that will never disclose is of course the one related to the same secret UFO group:

institutional, worldwide, conspiratorial, murderous child abuse and ritual murder.

Good luck waiting for Disclosure Day on THAT.

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