(NEWS.com.au) — DNA tests on hair found supposedly found in a Siberian may actually prove the existence of the Abominable Snowman.
Three separate DNA tests of the hair reported it “came from a human-like creature which is not a Homosapien yet is more closely related to man than a monkey”.
Yeti hunters claim Yeti DNA is less than one per cent different to that of a human. But no-one has confirmed that “fact” to date, because no Yeti has ever been found or tested for DNA.
Until now. The DNA tests were carried out at universities in Moscow, St Petersburg at Idaho in the US. It is understood a fourth DNA test is also being carried out in the UK.
Cryptomundo » Bigfoot DNA Update: The Fallout and Summary
Bigfoot DNA is being studied by Dr. Bryan Sykes and Dr. Melba Ketchum (above)
For some of those entrenched in the Bigfoot community this is non-news. For those that loosely call ourselves journalists, like moi, we believe it is worth reporting–in other words this is news.
The following is the Reader’s Digest version of what happened on November 23rd 2012:
Reported earlier here at Cryptomundo, Igor Burtsev, Head of International Center of Hominology, announced the completion of Dr. Melba Ketchum’s project to sequence Bigfoot DNA. Dr. Burtsev continued on to say, “It is human like us only different, a hybrid of a human with unknown species…The hybridization event could not have occurred more than 15,000 years ago according to the mitochondrial data in some samples. Origin of this Hominin was probably Middle Eastern/Eastern Europe and Europe originally though other geographic areas are not excluded.”
Almost immediately Dr. Melba Ketchum responded on her Facebook page, “It is unfortunate that the partial summary of our data was released in this manner, however, I will be making a formal response in the next few days. Even though Igor Burtsev released this, it was not Dr. Burtsev’s fault.”
Another player in the Melba Ketchum project is David Paulides, who seems to want to position the Ketchum project in front of the Bryan Sykes Oxford University DNA study and any interest the TV Show Finding Bigfoot may have.