For most of my life I was oblivious to the many huge underground bases that are all over the world. But no longer! What is happening underground is far too crucial to be ignored any longer and I cannot remain silent. Some one has to alert the people and rouse them from their slumber. Vast sums of money have been siphoned off from the economy and into the black budget world of super-secret covert projects and clandestine underground, and undersea, bases and tunnels. Many thousands of people are employed in these myriad facilities, working in tremendous secrecy, using technology that has been denied the everyday inhabitants of planet Earth.
Underground bases, bunkers and high-tech, underground towns can be found all over the country. I no longer put a limit on my thinking when it comes to these facilities. It is now my informed belief that just about anything that you canbelieve, as well as quite a lot that you can not believe is taking place underground and undersea. More than 6 billion terrestrial humans inhabit the Earth, and yet the vast majority are walking about in a daze, as if in a drugged, or dumbed-down stupor when you get right down to it, because most people actually do not have a very clear idea of what is really happening on the very planet where they were born and have passed their entire life!
That is why I try to be very “down to Earth” in my presentations, and to make the knowledge I have gained accessible to as many millions of people as possible. This is vitally important information and I hope that everyone will understand that. It wasn’t easy to assemble all of the pertinent facts, documents and anecdotal accounts. It takes time, effort and patience to put it all together. But you could think of it as a sort of gift from me to to you, a gift from Richard Sauder to the members of the human race on this planet, something a little extra or lagniappe, freely given and gladly so.