Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Testimony of Roger Craig: ****no longer BANNED ON AMAZON!


Yes, it's true- Kindle, which is happy to carry our other publications, not to mention such modern American classics as daddy-daughter incest strokebooks and a 24 page book consisting of nothing but other people's tweets... Has banned THE TESTIMONY OF ROGER CRAIG. There are four spurious reasons given so far in a series of email back and forths we're having with them.

In the mean time if you want to read it:

To purchase at a heavy discount, use the promo code "fuck censorship" at checkout and watch the price dwindle down!

IndieAisle formatting has some issues, and we're working on a clean PDF version, which is what we print from anyway, but in the mean time, why not buy it and try and guess which specific entry it is that Amazon has banned it for.

It complies with their guidelines completely- and definitely a lot more than a wank book or a book of other people's tweets!

THE TESTIMONY OF ROGER CRAIG contains the typo corrected but unexpurgated full text of the final version of "When They Kill A President" by Roger Craig, Dallas lawman turned "conspiracy nut" who was hounded relentlessly for not changing his story. In addition, there are many interesting documents and quotes juxtaposed with the text to stimulate the digestive juices of the imagination (eewww).

Further supporting info for the book will be put up on this blog.


Amazon have now put the book up without further argie bargie and no further discussion... oO

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