voters will resent being punished when they see their money being being wasted on:
- immigration and refugee programs and services;
- third-rate writers, actors and sports people living on the taxes working people pay;
- ex-politicians with their snouts in the trough on overseas postings;
- having to pay for the education of violent activist university
students so that they can then enjoy a higher income and better
lifestyle than the working people who paid for the education of those
- corruption, nepotism, patronage and largesse at all levels of government;
- constant attacks on liberties such as free speech; and so on.
Add to that the fact that they are penalised with extra living costs by such things as green schemes and renewable energy.
And then add to that the fact that they see their suburbs and our
society fragmenting and becoming hostile and violent thanks to the
immigration, youth, education, welfare and justice policies of
successive governments.
Considering all of that, don’t you think people are going to resent yet
another kick in the guts from government. Fix our society and then
people will once again have a sense of community and a social
Barry of NSW