Tuesday, November 13, 2012

About Dr. Karla Turner and the Bartholic Killings - JeffPolachek.com

About Dr. Karla Turner and the Bartholic Killings - JeffPolachek.com

.. and the Bartholic Killings

Dr. Turner's research associate Barbara Bartholic and Barbara's husband Bob were involved in a high-speed automobile collision in 2010.   The news reported that the other vehicle was being driven by a carjacker who had just stolen it not long before, but somehow managed to flee the scene and disappear despite a reported impact speed of over 100 MPH.  Bob died from his injuries shortly thereafter, and Barbara spent several weeks in the hospital.  

Following her discharge, Barbara told me on the phone that she was certain that the accident had been deliberately engineered in order to punish her for having allowed me to visit her and Bob at their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma for three days in 2009 and view her private research materials.  She also stated that when she was in the hospital, several acquaintances of hers visited her, speaking sympathetic phrases such as "how ARE you?" in a mocking tone.

In October 2010, the creator of the present website was subjected to a premeditated severe physical assault followed by a series of events that were designed to instill in him a sense of mortal fear, and to provoke him if possible into a reaction that might be ruinous to his life and future.  Barbara Bartholic died (reportedly by stroke) at the same time that this situation was unfolding.   The threat of malicious arbitrary psychiatric diagnosis is in effect to prevent further disclosure of details from being made or any remedies (medical, legal or otherwise) from being obtained.1

Subsequent events have demonstrated beyond any doubt that all of this has nothing whatsoever to do with "aliens" but rather to continuing government mind-control operations (the term "operations" being specifically chosen as opposed to "experiments" -- there is nothing at all "experimental" about what is being done).   The reports of the abductees contained in Dr. Turner's work therefore remain extremely important in the context of shedding light on the nature of the crimes which have been perpetrated against innocent civilians during the last several decades.

I suggest that "alien abductees" are in reality merely one sub-group of a larger population of targeted individuals.  Their experiences constitute the little-known symptoms of a covert long-term military campaign whose goal, global in scope, is to redefine the nature of government on Earth and to utilize extremely advanced technologies to control the human population in ways not even considered possible by the general public.   For more information about these subjects, I invite you to explore the rest of this website, beginning with Special Exhibits: Mind Control.

Jeff Polachek
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