Friday, November 30, 2012

Alien Abduction Experience and Research (AAER) at

Alien Abduction Experience and Research (AAER) at

IV. Terrestrial implants

To date, more than 3 million animals worldwide have been succesfully implanted with an implantable transponder manufactured by Destron-Fearing [21]. The implantable transponder is a passive radio-frequency identification tag, designed to work in conjunction with a compatible radio-frequency ID reading system. The transponder is activated by a low-frequency radio signal, then it transmits the ID code to the reading system. The smallest transponder has about the size of an uncooked grain of rice. The transponder's tiny electronic circuit is energized by the low-power radio beam sent by a compatible reading device.
A similar bio-chip for humans was developed by Dr. Daniel Man in the USA. Dr. Man holds an US-patent for a homing device since 1989 that can be implanted in humans [22]. He developed the implant for solving the missing children problem. This device is slightly larger than the Destron implant. Dr. Man's implant cannot simply be injected with a special syringe. Instead, a small surgical incision must be made for the implantation. It is important to note, that Dr. Man claims that the best location for his implant may be behind the ear. MILAB-abductees like Debby Jordan or Leah Haley reported that doctors removed implants from their ear! Dr. Man says that the device is powered by a small battery, which can be routinely charged with a device that is held outside the body near the location of the implant. Authorities would use three satellites or specially equipped helicopters if they want to find or monitor a person. By using triangulation to follow the signal of the implant, satellites or the helicopters would pinpoint the implant's exact location. Before Dr. Man's device becomes available for use in humans in the USA, it will have to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.
An agency, interested in monitoring physiologic informations of an abductee during an UFO-abduction experience would use biomedical telemetry. biomedical telemetry is defined as a special area of biomedical instrumentation that permits transmission of physiologic information from an often inaccessible location to a remote monitoring site [23]. The transmitting unit can be implanted within the subject's body. Animals have been monitored with biotelemetry for about 30 years. By using telemetric systems as a method of monitoring abductees, the military could obtain physiological data, such as respiration, muscle tension and the presence of adrenaline in the bloodstream.
However, research in observation and control of human behaviour and its possible use in rehabilitation and control was done since the sixties. National Security experts like Dr. Steven Metz and Dr. James Kievit predicted in their report The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War for the US Army War College, that in the near future every American at risk could be equipped with an electronic individual position locator device (IPLD) [24]. They suggested that such a device could be permanently implanted under the skin, with automatic remote activation either upon departure from the USA while passing through a security screening system at the airport, for example. The predictions of these national security experts resemble the plans of Dr. Joseph A. Meyer, a computer specialist of the National Security Agency (NSA). Dr. Meyer proposed in the seventies attaching transponders to Americans arrested for a crime [2].
During the late fifties, early sixties neuroscientist Dr. Jose Delgado invented the stimoceiver, a electrode capable of receiving and transmitting electronic signals via FM radio waves. Such a device implanted in the brain via the sinus cavities for example, will act as a powerful stimulant when activated by FM radio waves. One can suggest that the stimoceiver has since been modified to receive stimulation from microwave pulses and is capable of wielding a surprising degree of control over the implanted victim's response mechanisms [25].
Implants were being used on unwitting persons as early as fifty years ago. One well documented case of the implantation of an electronic device into a victim is the case of Robert Naeslund. Mr. Naeslund claims that he was unwittingly implanted during an operation in Stockholm, Sweden. He has x-rays which show clearly a mushroom-shaped device in his brain. He claims that the operation was performed by Dr. Curt Strand, who inserted the device in his head through the right nasal passage [26]. Interestingly, UFO-abductees report since the sixties how alien beings implanted them by placing small objects up their nose through the nasal passage and sinus cavity. The transnasal approach of implants is in common use in Neurosurgery [28, 29, 30, 31]!
Robert Naeslund is not the only victim, he is now a researcher of Gruppen an organisation against illegal mind control experiments. Gruppen and other organisations like the Freedom of Thought Foundation have collected a lot of evidence that a secret implantation program is going on [26, 27]. These organisations are in contact with many victims all over the world who experienced similar effects as Naeslund but have nothing to do with the UFO-community. 

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